9. Change in the Air

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10th of Eylestre, Continued

It was easy to forget, sometimes, that there was another world going on above our heads. At least, it was easy for me. I rarely went topside unless we were training. Topside was not resting easy, however, and it was not content to leave us alone.


Orrelian lifted a mug of bootleg beer to his lips, then licked away the foam, his eyes on the backlit surface of the map table.

With the hangar so crowded, the map table had been moved into the sitting room of the apartment – which made chilled beer and toasted cheese readily available. There was not as much noise, also, and Arramy, Rugga, Cog and Erdan were able to speak without shouting as they compared maps of rail line and coastline south of Vreis, trying to pinpoint where Licha Stongfal might have seen NaVarre.

"Assuming they traveled at the same rate for a week, that puts the slavers here," Arramy walked the protractor out into the mostly empty forestland that made up the middle of Tetton. "Another two days southwest toward the water... and they could have been anywhere in here." He swung the protractor in a circle that encompassed three towns, the sprawling port city of Santaua Yranne, and several hundred miles of coast.

Orrelian scratched at his cheek. "Yer not makin' this easier."

"I know." Arramy put the protractor down and ran his hand through his hair, making it stick up.

"Well, it gives us some'ere t'aim, least-wise," Rugga said, grim.

Erdan nodded. "And Hedwyn might know someone who has a better map of the backroads out there."

"Speakin' o' Hed, ee should be 'ere by now," Orrelian muttered, glancing at the timekeep.

Erdan and Cog shared a look. Hedwyn was many things, but late was not one of them.

The apartment fell silent. All of us turned at the sudden squeal of hinges, and a moment later Ynette and Songbird came trooping in through the back room. Both of them were uncharacteristically tense, their faces pale.

"Well, things have officially become more interesting topside," Songbird announced in clipped tones. "Two of the records room girls said there have been people turned out of their flats, their goods seized by the Magis. They were all charged with sedition and intent to harm the public. There's a new checkpoint on Tauley Street, too. I can only be glad I remembered to take my papers this morning. Word around the Bureau is there won't be any traveling without them, now. Not even off Island."

"'Specially off Island," Ynette added, untying her headscarf. "I were checked goin' an' comin', though gettin' back o'er's a right circus. I nearly din't make ferry, boardin' were takin' that long."

Orrelian frowned. "Did-ee see Hedwyn on way down?"

Ynette shook her head.

Songbird went even whiter beneath her powder, two bright spots of color rising on her cheeks. "He's not here?"

Cog put his beer on the counter and grabbed his jacket. "I'll head up northway, see if-ee's comin' in from the Dowage entrance."

"I'll take Redtree," Rugga said, forcing a bright smile. "Buzzard always do hate Hoddle gutter. Can't stand gettin' 'em great flappin' shoes wet. Must 'ave gone long way round, I'm sure."

"I'll come with you." Songbird stepped out into the back room, pulling her gloves on again.

Ynette and Erdan gave each other a glance and headed for the tunnels too, leaving Arramy, Orrelian and I in an abruptly quiet apartment.

Orrelian's jaw tightened. "This day keeps gettin' better n' better." He took a long swig of his beer.

I looked down at my fingers, wrapped around the warmth of a mug of hot Praidani. There was something in the air, an odd, invisible weight that slithered around everyone, dragging every second out in stark relief, as if time were suspending itself in glass. Something was wrong. The sensation prickled along my neck, raising the fine hairs at my nape.

I glanced at Arramy.

He was watching me, but broke away quickly, his brows drawing together. Then he cleared his throat. "We... ah... We won't find NaVarre."

Orrelian shot a sidelong look at him.

"I think I know where they took him," Arramy said slowly. He pointed a finger at the Tetton coast. "Admiral Ghandier's flagship is stationed at Santua Yranne..." Then he traced a line from there straight across the Marral Sea to the X that marked the mysterious little point above the Coalition Colonies that had popped up so often in Obyron's journal. "The weapons, the slaves, the money... They must have some sort of largescale operation going on in the mountains north of Nimkoruguithu. If they have NaVarre alive, they'll take him there... And if that happened a week ago, he's already gone."


Four hours went by without any sign of Hedwyn. The Hoddle Street entrance to the tunnels was dry, and he hadn't gone the long way around. Erdan and Cog came back to report that another checkpoint was going up on the corner of Dowage and Flowerspring, and the Magis were arresting anyone who didn't have their papers.

Songbird checked at the Magi dispatch, but no one matching Hedwyn's description had been brought in for questioning. That was both good and bad. If he was already dead, his body could be at the city Examinary and there was no way to find out.

Orrelian and Cog tried to find out if Hedwyn had made it to his flat on the southern end of the Island, but were turned back before they could reach it, and informed by a Magi that they had to have a pass to enter districts they didn't live or work in.

When that fourth hour ticked over on the timekeep, Rugga, Ynette and Kaier were making dinner for eighty people. Marin was off doing important Facemaking things in her studio, and Orrelian was strategizing at the map table, his face set in hard lines.

Cog and I were sitting at the kitchen table, peeling a mountain of potatoes. Songbird was sitting next to me, a paring knife in front of her, but there wasn't much peeling going on. She seemed to be preoccupied with worrying her nails down to the quick and chipping away all their pretty pink lacquer.

Arramy had just finished cleaning the pistols from the armamentary and settled into the chair across from mine when the squeal of the tunnel door announced that someone was entering through the back room, and then a very dirty, very worn-out looking Hedwyn came trudging into the kitchen.

With a sharp little cry, Songbird lurched out of her chair and flew at him, nearly knocking him back into the washroom. He didn't seem to mind. He wrapped both arms around her, lifted her clean off the floor and kissed her. Soundly. Right there. In front of the rest of us. While she kissed him soundly right back.

Rugga and Ynette grinned and elbowed each other.

Cog turned five shades of pink.

Arramy glanced at me, eyebrow raised as he reached for Songbird's peeling knife.

I smirked and began peeling another potato.

Hedwyn slowly put Songbird back down on her own two feet, then turned to Orrelian. He wasn't smiling. "Someone tossed my flat before I got home. I managed ta get ta Killspear's, but I was followed. We had ta blow his tunnel access... And... The city guards are closing the south roads at sundown. The port, too."

Orrelian absorbed that swarm of information almost as if he had been expecting it. Then he nodded. "We'll 'ave ta take smaller crew... An' we'll 'ave ta go by water. They might 'ave the Magis in their pocket, but they'll not 'ave my dockmen. I need Marin up Registration Bureau, addin' records, so... Cap'n, Cog, you'll be pilot an' mechanic. I'll be merchant. Bren, you'll 'ave ta translate, 'cause we gotta get o'er Carak border." Then he blew a breath through his teeth and rubbed the back of his neck. "Biggest hurdle's gonna be findin' big 'nough boat ta stow hundred souls plus supplies."

Shadow War: Book 3 of the Shadows Rising Trilogy (WIP Rough Draft)Where stories live. Discover now