Chapter 11: Echizen Ryoma, Captain of the Captains!

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The next day, the ITM champions got up very early and met for breakfast. As soon as they were seated, they were served an enormous platter of food. Eggs, ham, piles of fried potatoes. A tureen of fruit sits in ice to keep it chilled. The amount of rolls they set before the champions will keep them going for a week. There's an elegant glass of orange juice, cups of coffee, and rich brown cups of hot chocolate.

As they ate breakfast, Tyler spoke up. "Does anyone want to try the Kinect Dance Central at the Training Center? I heard it's on the 14th floor."

"How did you know it's at the 14th floor, Tyler?" said Philip, shovelling his eggs.

"I read the directory briefly when Paku took us to the elevator." said Tyler.

"Dance Central doesn't seem like a bad idea." said Christopher. "Right, Captain?" he said, turning to Ryoma.

"Hmm...alright. How about it, Pakura-sensei?"

"Don't call me sensei, Ryoma. You're the captain."

"True, but you mentor me. I am giving you respect."

Pakura sighed. "Alright, let's go there then."

After breakfast, they went to the fourteenth floor where the Kinect Dance Central was. The dance lounge was huge, with polished marble floors, comfy couches enough to fit 5 people in each couch, a dance floor for the players and CDs in one rack and a DVD player below the huge screen. The Kinect was situated a shelf above the DVD player. There is also some drink machines provided in the lounge, in case you get thirsty. Derek searched through and found the Dance Central CD. Philip activated the Kinect and the screen, and placed the CD in.

"Right, who wants to go first?" said Christopher.

"I don't know, Chris. Why don't we do rock-paper-scissors? Winner goes first." The others nodded. Chris and Philip won the rock-paper-scissors.

"Yay, let's go, Philip!" said Chris, as he dragged Philip to the dance floor.

"Alright, which song do you want?" said Philip.

Chris frowned, moving his arm to select the song. "I know! Let's dance to DJ got us falling in love!"

Philip shrugged. Whatever you say, Chris." They selected their characters and chose easy mode.

"Do you want collaborate, or dance battle?" said Philip.

"Dance battle." said Chris.

"Fine." said Philip, selecting dance battle.

The music started, and the moves they were supposed to do appear. Chris kept mixing up which side was he supposed to move to and which way is he supposed to dance. Philip, on the other hand, was calmer and he tried to recompose himself every time he danced the wrong move.

Finally the song ended, and the game tabulated the scores. Philip won the match.

Chris pouted, but his spirit wasn't dampened by his loss. "Ok, who's going next?" he asked.

William and Jude said together, "We'll go."

They selected the same things, except they selected the song called, "Bad romance."

Both of them never danced before, so it was a whole new experience for them.

William won by only 30 points. (But it's still a win)

"Good battle." said William, shaking Jude's hand. "Thanks. You're not bad yourself." said Jude. "Who wants to go next?"

Ryoma, (who was watching the dance), said, "Alright. I'll go next. Come on, Paku."

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