By Chance

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Tharn's POV

Tharn was performing the last song for the night with his band at their regular club. Being a weekend, he had invited Type and a few of his friends to watch the show and have few drinks. Type and Tharn met each other when Type had moved into his dorm at the beginning of the year. He was a year younger than him majoring in sports while he was a music major.

Everything had gone smoothly for some time until Type had found out that Tharn was gay. It had resulted in a huge row between them and they didn't talk to each to each other for two weeks. It took a lot of effort for Techno to finally convince Type to come back to their shared apartment.

Finally, six months since they had met, everything was going smoothly. The fly in the ointments was that Tharn had a huge crush on his straight roommate. If Type found out about Tharn's crush on him, Tharn was sure that he would be murdered in his sleep. But that doesn't mean that he couldn't try to gain Type's affections. He had been flirting with Type trying to show that his affections were genuine, but Type was either ignoring it or was oblivious to his efforts.

When the song finished Tharn got up from the drums and got down the stage and walked towards where his friends were sitting. He looked around for Type but couldn't find him among his friends.

"Techno, have you seen Type,"

"He was just sitting here. He must have gone to the restroom."

I was thirsty after the performance so I ordered a beer not wanting to get drunk so early into the night. By the time the drink arrived the next band was setting up their instruments on the stage. I took a sip of the drink and proceeded to watch the new band perform.

Being a regular performer at the bar Tharn had met most of the musicians that performed at the bar but the faces on the stage were unfamiliar to him. The lead singer who was a female introduced the band as 'Ctrl+s' and began introducing the band members. I found that Her name was Earn. She continued introducing rest of the band members when i came across their lead guitarist.

The guy with his chiselled jaw and pink kissable lips must have been the most gorgeous guy that I had ever laid my eyes on. I was so into admiring his beautiful features that I had failed to hear his name. I watched them perform, my full attention being on the lead guitarist. They were good.

When they finished their first song I looked around searching for Type. "Is Type back?" I asked.

"No he hasn't returned" one of his friends replied.

He hadn't returned from the restroom. Why was he taking such a long time I wondered. The band was starting to sing their second song. Looking away from the Guitarist on the stage I decided to go look for him not knowing if he was okay or not.

"I am going to look for Type" I announced.

"Tharn, he will be back. You don't have to go" Techno protested. He was the only person in Type's group who had any inkling of the feelings I had towards Type.

"He hasn't come back after all this time. He might be in trouble." I got up from the chair and made towards the restroom.

Luckily I didn't have to go too far in search of Type. He was sitting at a secluded area of the club taking a sip of his drink. His back was towards me but I could recognise him from afar. As I got closer to him I saw that he was not alone. He was chatting with another girl and by looking at the way the girls was leaning on to Type it seemed as if she was flirting with Type. I wanted to pull Type away from the woman but Type didn't resist her and it seemed as if they were having a good time together.

I knew that falling for a straight guy would get my heart broken but I had hoped that Type would realise and accept my feelings for him one day. I walked away from those two and headed straight for the bar. I needed something stronger than the beer to wash away my pain. I got to the bar and order a drink wallowing in my heartbreak.

By the time I had finished my third drink, I heard the female singer announce that they were going to perform the last song for the day but instead of the female voice, it was a male voice coming from the speakers. I looked towards the stage to find the handsome guitarist singing.

He had a beautiful voice that made you want to sit and listen to him sing. His voice had a calming effect that eased the pain that I was feeling. At the end of their song, they bowed in front of the crowd and walked out of the stage.

I had ordered another drink when I felt the presence of another person slide into the chair beside me. I heard the person order a drink. The voice seemed familiar. Being curious I turned to look at the stranger when I found myself face to face with the guitarist.

Taking another sip of the drink in my hand for courage I introduced myself to the stranger."Hi, I am Tharn. Nice performance by the way."

"Thanks. I am Sarawat, it's nice to meet you. You played the drums for the band before us right? " he asked.

"Yes, that's me," what started as an introduction soon turned into a long conversation. I got to know that he was a junior in the same university as me and that he was majoring in political science. It was easy to talk to Sarawat and he was able to take my mind away from the pain. We were so engrossed in our conversation that I didn't notice Type approaching us. I noticed him only when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Tharn we are heading out. Are you coming with us?" Type asked frowning slightly when he noticed me talking to Sarawat. I could see the distaste on his face which crushed my broken heart. I had hoped that he would come around to at least accept me.

I tried to mask the pain I was feeling when I saw him. "I think I will stay for some more time," I said not wanting to be alone with Type at the moment.

"Don't disturb my sleep when you come back" he huffed and walked towards where his friends were grabbing their stuff.

I finally let the mask slip and took a sip of my drink."Is that your friend?" Sarawat asked.

"He is my roommate."

"Then why do you look like you got run over by a truck."

I sighed."I had a crush on him" I confessed. I looked at Sarawat for any hints of disgust, but there wasn't any. I was relieved.

"Unfortunately he is straight. "

"Ouch "

"Yeah. Tell me about it. "

"I knew that it was a bad idea to fall for a straight guy, but the heart wants what it wants." I emptied the glass in one shot.

"Here have another drink" Sarawat put another drink in front of me.

"Alcohol is the best medicine for a broken heart," he said.

"Lets' drink to that" we clinked our glasses together.

We spent our time at the bar drinking and talking about anything and everything that our alcohol addled brains could come up with. Sarawat confessed that he was also gay. As I got to know him better, I could feel myself being pulled into his charm and I hoped that he too felt the same.

We stayed there talking and drinking till the bartender announced that it was the closing time. Both of us, at this point, had more alcohol in our system than water so we booked cabs to go back home.

"Thanks for keeping me company. I had a wonderful time" I said.

"I too had a great time tonight."

"Why don't we exchange our numbers" Sarawat suggested. I gave Sarawat my phone for him to enter his number. He typed in his number and gave a call to his number to get my number and handed me my phone with a shy smile. He had saved his name as Sarawat with a heart emoji.

"I hope to see you around Tharn."

I smiled looking up at Sarawat "Me too" I replied. We stood there for some time just enjoying each other's presence while waiting for the cabs to arrive.

"Goodnight Tharn" he waved and got into his cab.

"You too Sarawat, take care" I waved back and got into my cab. I smiled to myself feeling happy looking at the contact on my phone. I finally had something to look forward to.

A/N: Thanks for reading By Chance

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