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 It was cold in Sammy's office, 

really, really cold. Extremely cold, but you couldn't really blame Sammy for the chilling coldness in his office- his heater had broken just a few minutes ago, though it wasn't his fault. Why, it was that devilish cartoon demon himself's fault! As usual and not surprisingly, Bendy had stumbled quite abruptly into Sammy's office, no doubt he had been having another one of his moments where he threw a fit and forced his darling prophet to help him. As if it wasn't a daily thing..

And as usual, routinely, Sammy had tried his best to help the demon, to do anything to assist his lord, yet to no avail. After a few wrong words from the prophets mouth ("I-I'm trying my best, my lord-" "I'm not sure if I can help"), Bendy had threw a giant tantrum, smashing Sammy's heater in the process, the heater parts clashing and tumbling against the floor in a sloppy pile of gears and cogs, fans and metal plates, and that had been the end of that.

So now Bendy had been sitting on top of Sammy's bed, his arms crossed as he huffed and looked down in defeat, admittedly the demon had felt guilty for doing such a thing to Sammy's heater, and they both knew neither of them would have been able to fix it any time soon. Sammy, on the other hand, had hope, and was sitting on the floor, trying his hardest to fix the heater and mesh the parts together. Of course, that didn't work, and Bendy had been starting to get a tad bit irritated. He knew it was selfish, but gosh, why did Sammy have to be trying to fix that damned heater and hadn't been trying to comfort him!?

"Sammy, i'm cold." Bendy had said abruptly, catching Sammy's attention as Sammy looked over at the devilish cartoon demon. Sammy was confused- he didn't even know Bendy could experience temperature change, honestly. It's not like Sammy minded that it was cold when he would be by himself, but if the lord didn't like the circumstances, then there was obviously an issue.

 "Sammy, I want you to come to me."

"Ah-" Sammy whispered under his breaths, quickly standing up, dropping a few of the heater parts onto the floor and beginning to walk over to his lord. "Of course, my lord, what do you need?" Sammy had asked, standing in front of Bendy and staring up at the large and irritated demon. The  demonic and inky being stared down at Sammy, before slowly grabbing Sammy by the waist firmly yet gently, lifting up the prophet and setting him down onto his lap, Sammy blushing and yelping in surprise- w-what?

"I want to cuddle you for warmth, just as the humans do.." Bendy whispered under his raspy breaths, before laying down and pulling Sammy with him, the bed creaking from the sudden weight. Sammy gasped as Bendy tugged him closer, burying Sammy's face into his chest and purring deeply as he began to stroke and pet Sammy's back. Sammy blushed deeply and madly, clinging onto Bendy's chest, hitching his breath and gently sagging his shoulders. Admittedly, this hadn't been the first time they had done this,,when Bendy was upset after accidentally breaking a large cutout of himself, he ended up cuddling Sammy for what felt like hours on end. This time felt, different, though,,it was obvious that Bendy had felt bad and guilty for what he had done.

"M-My lord, y-your ink is- r-rather-"

"Sticky, I know...you can handle it," Bendy mumbled under his breath, gently nuzzling Sammy's head with his cheek, purring and chuckling deeply in content. Sammy thought for a few seconds, before deciding to cooperate with his inky lord, wrapping his arms around the large demon and pulling him into a tight and warm hug. Bendy purred deeply, a faint blush forming on his cheeks as he gently kissed on top of Sammy's head, Sammy chuckling under his breath and smiling warmly. 

"My lord~,,,"

"Mmmmyy prophet~,,,"


This was requested by the user @TheInkyVanny ! I hope I did decent enough ffsfs,, im not too good at fluff!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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