Guest starring: MeganSimmsx TheGibster and QueenElsa--
Gibby: so who are we gonna prank?
Me: Megan! Shes gonna be so mad!
Elsa: This is gonna be so much fun!
Gibby: okay so....OH I GOT IT!
Elsa/ Me: .......that is......?
Gibby: oh right sorry she's never been slimed....
Elsa: Slimed?
Me: yes omg its so fun! Its where someone pours green slime on you!
Elsa: haha yeah sounds fun.....!
Gibby: lets set it up then!!!
~Megan thinks she is getting a reward for her great blogging but what she doesn't know is that she's going to get smiled on live T.V.~
Megan: okay I'm so excited!
Elsa: I know you are so just stand right here *moves her to the left and backs away*
Gibby/ Me: *snickering*
Elsa: okay so-
Megan/ Elsa: *gets slimed*
Megan: *face turns red* LINDY GIBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lindy: It was Gibby's idea! *runs*
Gibby: no it wasn't!!! *runs*
Elsa: really?!