| Chapter 6 |

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Miles fell back onto his bed, unable to keep the smile off of his face. The events of the night played over in his head. Tristan had kissed him. And then they had gone on a drive and gotten some food from a stupid fast food place. They had sat in the car and talked for what felt like hours. It must've been hours. They just spoke and laughed and stared into each others eyes, lit up with happiness and glee and everything good in the world. Miles had made a joke and Tristan laughed, and then suddenly his lips were on Miles' and he was asking him to be his boyfriend. Miles couldn't believe it, even after everything that had happened that night, but he knew that he'd say yes a thousand times if Tristan was asking him, and he said yes immediately. They had kissed. Tristan drove them back to their houses. His mom was home, and it was late, and he kissed Miles goodbye and went into his house. Miles had sat in his car for a minute, feeling utterly joyful, before he finally walked into his house. 

His parents were sitting on the couch when Miles walked into his house. His mom was folding laundry and his dad was typing something on his laptop. Some crime show was playing on the tv. "You're home kind of late, aren't you?" His dad had asked, looking up at him over his glasses. He only wore them when he was working on the computer. Miles had checked his watch. It was only ten thirty. "It's not that late, dad. It's not even my curfew. Besides, I was hanging out with Tristan." He replied, rolling his eyes. His mom smiled at him. "I'm glad you two are friends again. Here, take this stack upstairs to your sister and this stack to your room." She put two stacks of clothes into a basket and held it out to Miles. He grabbed it and walked upstairs, yelling a "goodnight love you" to his parents on his way. He dropped the pile of clothes outside of Lilly's door after knocking three times and getting no reply. He would just text her later. He could hear her talking to her boyfriend. And he went to his room. He dropped his clothes on his desk and fell back onto his bed. 

'Boyfriend. Tristan. My boyfriend. Tristan is my boyfriend.'  Miles head was racing with thoughts, though all very similar. Tristan was his now. He was finding it hard to believe. His phone buzzed and he looked at it, smiling as the screen lit up with Tristan's name. He read the message. It was simple. A "had a good time tonight, Miles." text, but Miles held his phone against his chest and smiled like it was the most important thing anyone had ever said to him. He finally replied, typing back a "I had a good time too, Tris" before sending it back. He put his phone down and stood up. He stepped across his room to go over to his window. He slid the curtain back, seeing Tristan's window. He went back for his phone and sent a message to Tristan. 

Tristan heard his phone vibrate. He paused in his tracks, looking over at his screen. He saw the outline of Miles' name and smiled, pulling his shirt off. He slipped on some pajama pants before going over to his phone. He smiled at Miles' text. The night replayed in his mind. He had kissed Miles. Miles had let him. He never expected that. They went for a drive. Stopped to get some shitty food and then sat in the car to eat it. They talked for a few hours, spent the time smiling at each other and admiring the beauty of the other without being too obvious. And then he had asked Miles to be his boyfriend. He couldn't believe that Miles had said yes, despite the amount of hits Miles had given off all night. 

Tristan smiled, his phone clutched in his hands. It vibrated again and he looked at it, smiling at the text. 

Miles : Come to the window

Tristan walked over to his window, peeking out of it and seeing Miles' face. He grinned and Miles looked down at his phone. Tristan felt his phone buzz. He looked down at it.

Miles : goodnight, handsome. 

Tristan typed back quickly, looking up as his message sent. 

Tristan : goodnight, pretty boy. 

Tristan waved to Miles one last time before he went to his bed. He laid down on it. He smiled, staring at his wall as another wave of happiness washed over him. His phone vibrated once more before he fell asleep. He looked at it, grinning and remembering the text until he fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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