Chapter 4

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A/N sorry for taking awhile to update. Have had computer issues but it's sorted now. 

Thorin led Fili and Kili to a nearby clearing and Nori and Dwalin watched from some bushes at the edge of the clearing. Fili and Kili had no idea they were being watched and both were really nervous. Neither had forgotten the last time they’d received discipline with an armath taur.  Thorin had been the one to apply the armath taur then too and both had only managed to take a few strokes before begging him to stop. They were determined to do better this time and beat Dwalin’s record.

“Don’t argue with Uncle and just do what he says,” Fili said to Kili, knowing he might be reluctant to do whatever they were asked to do.

Finally Thorin stopped walking and turned to his nephews.

“Ok Fili and Kili kneel down and lean forward with your foreheads touching the ground,” Thorin said swiftly.

Both dwarves moved to obey him and when they were both kneeling  their foreheads on the ground Thorin stepped behind Kili and hooked his fingers into the waistband of Kili’s trousers, swiftly pulling them down to mid-thigh baring Kili’s rump.  Kili did not protest knowing  that this was part of the punishment.  He prepared himself for what was coming determined not to cry out or sit up as he did not want to show weakness.

The two dwarves watching saw him raise the armath taur and bring it down on Kili’s rump. It connected with a loud sound and they saw Kili jerk but not cry out. Thorin hit Kili again and he jerked again and the two watching dwarves could see tears start to drip down his face. Thorin hit Kili twice more before he cried out. But he did not ask Thorin to stop so Thorin hit him again. Again Kili cried out but remained in position. Thorin hit him yet again and this time Kili cried out as before then spoke.

“Enough Uncle I can’t take anymore,” Kili said.

Thorin nodded.

“You can sit up Kili but don’t touch your bottom or I’ll hit you again,” Thorin said.

“Yes Uncle. Thank you Uncle,” Thorin said.

“Leave your trousers down,” Thorin added.

Kili nodded and sat up his bare rump against his heels. His rump smarted but he did not move to touch it knowing that doing so would earn him further punishment. Thorin went over to Fili and pulled his trousers down then raised the armath taur and bought it down hard. The first blow caused Fili to cry out in pain and sit up.

“Get back down,” Thorin ordered.

He hit Fili twice more and Fili sat up both times and cried out loudly.

“He’s not handling it as well as Kili did. I’m impressed with how Kili handled it. Your record has fallen Dwalin,” Nori said to Dwalin.

“I’m shocked at Kili managing to be able to take 6 hits before asking him to stop. But I think he was determined to break my record so he could tell Primrose how brave he was,” Dwalin said.

He had been gob smacked when Kili had managed to take 6 hits of the armath taur before asking his uncle to stop.

By then Fili had asked Thorin to stop after taking just four hits.

“Sit up and don’t touch your bottom or I’ll hit you again,” Thorin said.

Fili sat up and to Kili’s horror he immediately reached for his bottom.

“Fili what did I just say?” Thorin asked, looking annoyed

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