Chapter four: Sugar High

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*warning, all of them are getting sugar High and things will get weird*

"How bad is it?" Horror said, looking over at the crashed Dust.
"It's not bad, he just had way too much because he wouldn't give me the damn bag back."'s good?"
You sighed and went to a shelf, rummaging through it before finding a small bag of gummies. You gave one to each of them. "See for yourself."
At first, they all looked at the things like they were spawned in Hell or something, but then Cross tentatively took a small bite. The pinpricks in his eyes shrank to almost nothing, then grew until they almost filled his eye sockets. "It tastes like how pink looks..."
Horror was next, and the second he took a bite, his jaw unhinged and he devoured the entire thing. It was terrifying.
"Horror, what the hell?"
"Liquid sunshine..."
"WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM?" You backed away a bit.
"Yeah...he's food crazy." Killer rubbed the back of his neck. "Be lucky it wasn't in your hand." He poked his and took a bite. "Holy shit, this stuff's amazing!"
Night wasn't going anywhere near his gummy, which he had already taken a bite out of. His one cyan eye light was having issues, zooming around inside his skull while changing size rapidly. He was hissing something about demon went to see if he was okay and he shouted.
"I don't care if you're hot, stay the frick away!"
You decided to leave him alone.
Error, seeing the chaos unfold, had not eaten his yet. You took it, and him, and retreated to your room. "That went about as well as I expected..."
YoU eXpEcTeD tHaT?"
"Kind of..."
"WeLl, HoPeFuLlY iT'lL bE oVeR sO-"
You heard a loud crash and rushed back downstairs to see that Night had knocked over a jar.
"Alright. Bedtime for all of you."
"You can't act like our mom!" Killer cried.
"Why not?"
"Cuz then we can't marry you!"
You rolled your eyes and picked them all up, carrying them to the guest bedroom and putting them down on the bed. You went to the nearby bathroom to wash your hands because Horror had drooled on them.
Cross appeared on your sink, swaying a bit, oggling up at you.
"What is it?"
"You're too pretty to be a human."
"There are humans prettier than me."
"What do you want?"
He beamed. "A kiss!"
"Why?" You laughed.
"Because I've never kissed a pretty girl before..."
You sighed and gave him a peck on the forehead. "Bed."
"Goodnight angel!" He dissapeared.
You sighed and went to bed in your clothes that night, and Error slept in the crook of your neck.

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