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(My favorite picture. GO CATS, GO OWLS ((AND CROWS AND THE OTHERS!!!!)) 

Sooooooooo..... At night I stayed up until 9 or 10 to finish my homework (RPJ page 40) I Woke in the morning to do my normal things stuff my face with food and make my lunch and drink my medicine. But before I did any of those things ,my backpack was wet but it didn't soak up the water it just stayed there so it made my job  easier to clean it up. And off to school. 

  As I got there I did what I always done I went to my normal space and waited for the school bus so the kids could get off. When the bus came. I looked for the person I wanted to find from my spot. 'Bingo' is what I thought when I saw him. He was my crush since last year, and he was sooooo mesmerizing to see. He had Blonde hair, had a black T-shirt and a short with a white stripes on both sides, black glasses and shoes, and a blue backpack, His eyes are like a soft blue ( thats the only blue I like.) and if I remembered clearly he had braces last year. ( or pre I dunno. i'm not that big of a stalker. 👀)    I went to the doors 'cause I knew school will open the doors soon. 

      I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings but when I came back to life I noticed he was right next to me and I almost died my face burned up and i had a hard time breathing (partly because of the mask and the knot in my chest and my panic attack and my cystic fibrosis and asthma.) I really wanted to glance over at him he literally had an upstairs T-bird like me. (Sadly I had to go to the 6th grade hallway to drop off my violin 🎻 .) But when I came back I noticed he was in my same math class. (Execpt that he had Math for his first class :(. ) So I kept going to class. Mrs. Koogle is my teacher for T-Bird and Social studies (and then science, A.V.I.D.Luch Orchestra, L.A. and then Math l-() so ya. 

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~

     I don't get it. My mom never leaves me alone and just right when now she asked me to open chrome to see what i was watching. Don't get me wrong I would've shown here but I was watching Kagehina TikToks and she ain't like dad so she told me that I'm not going to see the laptop anymore which really stinked because how will I watch anime? So yeah.

OH MY GOD, literally so I was watch haikyu (Season 4 episode 4) I noticed that Kindachi (Sorry if I spelled wrong) that he is actually pretty cute so I searched up a fan fiction but there wasn't any so I felt so bad but I suck at writing so I dunno what to do please help. 

Any way that's it see ya 

513 Words

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