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      Strawberry prince pretty cool right


           So y'all know what I talked about the last page right about what's not fair right that Kindachi is really cute well i've been watching more of haikyu!! and every time I see him he just keeps getting cuter.  Oh while i'm ay it did y'all read any of Golden's books?!?! They are really good I don't remember her user but I'll post it when I can, her name (or not I dunno) it's on it... I think. 

      So I'm getting nervous because i put that that i read xreader right and my sister is reading it soooo I think she is I actually dunno she really is weird I guess soon enou- wait she didn't do anything.... THANK GOD!!! I was getting worried for no reason. Man who knew.

 So imma just list things about me I guess (warning some things might be to shitty to read)

- I like anime (duh)

- I like bxb books 

- I basically talk to myself and myself talks back like 2 voices in my head

- I stay up til 10 or 11 and wake up at either 4-6

- I'm beyond social awkward 

- I'm weird 

- I'm a girl 

- I hate skirts and dresses

- I rethink about my life sometimes

- I'm pretty dumb

- my favorite color is red

- my favorite band is Strawberry Prince 

     That's all I can remember for now . Hmmm... now that I look over not everything is shitty so ignore dat. My dad is acting like like a child. He is watch IP man 4. 

   Man when I figured out that we are going to remote I got sad and upset that I almost cried cause I won't see "him" anymore in school.

   Iwa-Chan, Iwazumi Hajime. Man he is so cute I swear to god i'm Gonna die one day. Oh and also did you notice that Oikawa has glasses he looks pret ty cute. Oh and also Akaashi Keji is cute..... I'm just naming there full name. Might as well do dat to strawberry prince Rinu is the red one, Colon is the blue one, Root is the yellow one, Gel is the orange one, Nanamori is the purple one, Satomi is the pink one, and I think that's it. 

      So remember what I said earlier abo-....... Hypocrite..... that is what my sister called, so I study the Bible and it shocked me my sister didn'T understand  I am very negative so I guess I take things the other way of good uh so yeah.... Anyway I.... i'll finish this when i'm calm thanks to my sister I feel fucked up or angry which ever one see ya.

        456 words.

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