Chapter Nineteen

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It has been a week and I'm back with my old boring routine. Sleep in the morning ,work at night.

It has been a week that I haven't seen Xander ,even heard from him. Part of me is happy that I'm slowly moving on but the other half of me wants to see him again. What his doing ,is he okay, does he miss me?

But all that worry go to the drain when I receive a message from him saying he regret everything that happened to me and his sorry for all the trouble he cause. He says I should move on and be happy.

That hurts but moving on is the reasonable move I can ever make. I'm not that kind of woman who dwell on stupid feelings towards a cold hearted asshole.

I bitterly rummaged my closet and look for my suits. I'm on shift again.
I grab a blue suit and a blue trousers. White undershirt, my gun and place it on my waist.
I let my hair down and my face bare.
Just not in the mood to put some make up on. The scar to my forehead and jaw is visible but I don't care.

I smile softly when I saw my closet full of clothes.
Though I resisted ,Mr. Xiang bought me new clothes ,along with my shoes ,undergarments and guns.
Dylan bought me a new phone which I didn't want at first but he insisted and made some silly story that burned up my conscience.
Alex bought me a two weeks supply of foods and beverages.
Cielo and Nicco stupidly bought me my hygiene stuff along with tampons which caused me blushing from the roots of my hair to my neck.

Weird family I have but won't replace it with anything else.

I wear my earpiece and punch in on Nicco.

"Hey there love." his teasing voice make me roll my eyes.

"Shut it dumbass." I'm now walking up the stairs to the club and smile at Mr. Xiangs' office glass. I know he's there.

Nicco laughs and teases me along the way to the front of the club.

"When I see you ,I'll wring your neck Nicco."

"Ohh...someones' on the bad mood. Is it the time of the month?"

I glare at the camera outside and flip him off. "Idiot."

He just heartily laugh at me.

I'm checking up a dudes' ID when two shiny black Escalades park in front of us.
My heart rate go ballistic when I recognize the cars. My hearing goes unfunctional with only my heartbeats to hear,my hand shakes with unnerving feelings.

When the man ,who made me awake every night ,who made me feel conflicted with my own feelings ,who I hates to see again yet wish to have a glimpse of him ,get out his fancy car with a imposing stature, dangerous aura and his handsome face, I almost lose my cool.

Walking up to the entrance with a blank yet hard face and never did look my way behavior, the one line immediately double up for the Mafia Boss to walk in.

A guy beside me snatch his ID that I didn't notice was still in my hands and hangs in the air and make me snap out my daze.

Stop drooling bitch! Remember you hate him, right?

Yeah right.

Breath in. Breath out.

"Do I have to present my ID, Miss?" his voice that's deep and husky almost make me lose control.

But I won't allow him. He already hurt me ,he can't do it again.

Damn moving on shit!

I stand up straight and bravely look him in the eyes which never meet mine . "It's our protocol ,Sir." I'm proud of myself for not stuttering though my nerve is killing me slowly.

Two can play this I-don't-know-you-anymore-game..

He just raise his brow and pull out his ID. "Good enough?"

I just glance at it and nod ,dismissing him by talking to the man behind him.

It's Greg and Jax, didn't surprise me at all.

"IDs'?" I faintly smile at them which they response with a simple nod.
Well at least they didn't pretend to not know me.

I unhook the chain barrier and let them through not glancing at their Boss who now stares at me without any trace of emotion.

When no one moves I take my chance to look up the man who now stand in the way.
"Excuse me Sir. I may have tolerate you for not waiting in line but you are blocking the way. So please ,move in." I didn't mean to say it with gritted teeth ,I just can't hide my annoyance anymore.

What I said earns so many gasp that made my eyes roll.


I saw Greg shaking his head and giving me warning looks.

Damn it to hell if I care.

"You have a smart tongue there little one." I almost shiver when his voice come out cold and dangerous.

But that only made my mood worst.

How dare him!

I glare at him and stands in front of him.

Game on.

"Only for the arrogant, selfish, and dick head people like you ,Sir." my voice mocking and challenging. My glare stays on him.

What stuck up his ass that causes for him to be this arrogant ,I'll never know.

But I would never back down on a fight ,not even this one. I've been wanting to land a fist to his handsome face.

His eyes twitch with anger and before he can say anything back ,a serious voice stop our little banter.

"Cool down people. Xander, please forgive my security ,she's not on his right mind at the moment. Shall we?" Mr. Xiangs' said with a warning look throwing at me before guiding the furious man who keeps glaring at me.

I clench my jaw and fisted my hands. I can't believe he just said that!

My suppress anger cause my head to pound again. I almost curse and hold my head and groan.

"Brielle are you okay?" Mr. Xiangs' voice seems to worsen my headache but I hold up myself and not give Xander a satisfaction.

"I-Im fine Mr. Xiangs. Just another headache, thank you." my voice came out hoarse that I have to clear my throat.

I rub my temple and stand up straight.
"I'll call Alex to replace you. You have been experiencing that headache for a long time and I don't want any resistant ,you'll be visiting a doctor tomorrow." with finality on his voice I didn't argue anymore.

I look at him and smile only to falter when I saw how Xander is looking at me. Something flashes on his eyes. Frustration ,concern and longing.

"Xander?" Mr. Xiangs' voice made me stop staring at Xander and look away.

Remember ,he's fake and the best actor. Don't fall for that stupid trap again.

I didn't spare him a glance and attend the other customers.

If he can act ,I can definitely act like I don't know him and he never exist.

My head still hurts but it lessens now.

I've been experiencing this sudden headaches since I came out the hospital. I just figured it's just about my head injuries but it's getting worse every time.

Guess I'll just know what it is tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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