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A/n: This is the end of this short little story! This was made from the top of my head! I hope you all enjoy this short little story 

(Next Day)

The morning glow broke across the horizon chasing away the deep dark blackness of the night the once eerily deafening silence drowned out by birds in the nests chirping joyfully, deer's galloping across the forest twigs snapping underneath their hooves and the loud obnoxious chatter of the Ipliers bounced throughout the entire manor. Standing in front of the mirror Dark cleaned himself off his morning sleepy roughness tying the two shiny buttons on his jacket through the holes his pale hands moved towards the collar of his shirt straightening it before swiftly combing a hand through his soft charcoal hair, glancing out of the window Dark took a moment taking a deep breath relaxing watching a small thin fog blanket the view of the trees and the sun.

'Another day of business! Another day of success! Everything is great!' Dark positively thought pumping himself up for the long day ahead. A chorus of loud high pitch laughter emitted down the hall snapping the demon out of his head making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion briefly glancing down at his watch seeing it was very early in the morning, grunting Dark marched over to his closed grey door twisting the handle and pulling it open poking his head out from the doorway.

"They never up at the ass crack of dawn.. They planning something without me meaning which I gotta put an end to this before something happens" Stepping quietly into the familiar hallway sending cringe washing over Dark due to how obnoxiously bright everything is, huffing he'd heavily marched down heading towards the meeting room hoping just hearing his intimidating stomping would cause the Iplier's to be quiet. To his misfortune the closer he got the noisy blaring chatter along with laughter just gotten louder Dark couldn't figure out if they couldn't hear him or plainly ignoring him coming, standing in front of the clear glass door his black eyes glancing from one ego to another taking in every detail.

Wilford's whole body shook violently standing in front of his chair hand resting against the table bend over while his other hand banged softly onto the table, his pink fluffy hair draped over his left eye covering it as he never looked away openly laughing at something on the wall.

Google stiffly sat in his chair back straight giving a perfect posture his hands resting on his thighs but the usual blank look that constantly stayed on the android's face replaced by a teeny tiny cocky smirk that didn't settle right with Dark making him on edge.

"I..I can't believe any of this happened to Dark" Bing's glitchy voice called up hysterically laughing leaning heavily against Google's shoulders grabbing the android's blue shirt. Hearing his name Dark snapped out of intensely staring at the rest of the egos hand reaching up to push the door open but just as his fingertips brushed against the cool glass, he'd froze heart pounding and dread pooled deep in his gut.

'Get a hold of yourself. I'm Dark! I'm a demon born from death and pain, No one can stop me' Breathing through his nose Dark pushed the door open that let out a soft squeak preparing himself to find out what got the other egos so excited to wake up earlier than him. Stepping inside of the meeting room the cool breeze from the air conditioning touched Dark's body immediately cooling his warm skin calming down a bit, on the table sat half empty mugs of coffee along with two open boxes of donuts with half of the content missing giving Dark a clue that the rest of the Ipliers were awake for a while.

"I'm quite suspicious that you all already awake at the ungodly hour of 6:30am! What's so funny anyway that I can hear you all laughing like a group of hyenas?" Dark grunted out annoyingly never liking loud noises standing in front of the large table his back facing the screen on the wall unaware there was videos of his previous bad days with the egos hilariously gaining or inflating, seeing that their demonic boss still blissfully unaware just made Wilford laughed harder slapping his hand harder on the table.

"D-D-D-D-Da-Dark Y-y-y-y-you HAHAHAHAHA" Wilford couldn't even talk his laughter turning into a series of wheezing sounds sliding off of his chair laying down in a laughing muddle of himself.

"What's wrong with damn Wilford? Has he finally lost the plot and went full crazy" Dark asked clearly baffled at the man's more than unusual weird behaviour his facial features clearly shown confusion and slight irritation, Dark's eyebrows furrowed with his eyes narrowed cringing from the loud noise with his hands raised in the air slightly not knowing what to do.

"Dark sir.. If I may speak up without permission you will find the answer plainly showing right behind you... You were always a bit full of yourself" Google's calm emotionless voice spoke up loud enough over Wilford's laughter pointing behind the demon gesturing towards the interactive screen. Most of the ipliers sitting around the table held their breaths and their chuckles watching Dark slowly turn around facing the screen in front of him, immediately his pale cheeks turned a bright shade of red feeling embarrassed his orbs bulging comically wide watching videos of himself in the most unbelievable situations.

"This.. This can't be real! Take them down they could ruin our company" Dark softly said not using his demanding voice still taken a back what he was seeing. One video he was with Wilford and Bim embarrassingly inflating like a demon balloon another video had him with the Jim's chugging down gallons of cold freezing water swelling and expanding on camera, feeling overwhelmingly mortified Dark covered his beet red face in his hands his groans muffled unaware that the meeting room for once today fell silent Wilford standing back up from the floor snapping his pink suspenders.

"Oh Darkie! They already on the internet and I have a wonderful idea that will bond us more closely" Wilford mischievously said in a sweet excited voice leaning forward ever so slightly wiggling his pink moustache. Finally realising how deathly quiet the room was Dark slowly pulled his hands away from his face feeling everyone's eyes staring at the back of his head, turning slowly around the demon gulped nervously seeing their predatory grins plastered on their faces knowing they planning something which involved him and for once Dark felt powerless.

" Well.. You see here.." Dark started talking saying random words to distract them taking a small step backwards towards the door hands moving nervously around him showing how on edge the demon clearly felt. "That be a no from me whatever you planning" With that Dark bolted out of the room in his blind panic he decided to run back to his bedroom to hide where he will easily be cornered if caught.

"Good golly chaps! Chase after Darkipoo" Wilford declared letting out a battle cry running around the table and out of the meeting room hunting after the demon. More pumped-up shouting rang through the room heavy marching multiple footsteps quickly followed Wilford as one after another the Ipliers rushed out of the now deserted room all except for Eric who remained behind, shaking his head amusingly Eric pulled out his phone from the pocket without his hands shaking once as he typed out a message.

'Mr Mark your plan has worked perfectly. Dark has been embarrassed and now with the others wanting to test him out he'd won't bother you for quite some time, Dark doesn't even suspect me Eric the shy act that i did is a mole working for you' Eric typed the message smirking before sending it to Mark. Waiting for a message Eric looked up in time seeing a crowd of egos carrying a struggling Dark on top tied in rope being carried away somewhere else down the hallway.

"Probably somewhere where Dark's ego can inflate" Eric joked making himself chuckle before a quiet ding sound filled the quiet atmosphere of the room signalling he'd received a message, looking down Eric opened up the message he got.

'Well done Eric that's fantastic news to hear! I don't have to worry about Dark getting his revenge on me anytime soon, keep a close eye on Dark and call our new friend Pix if you in danger' reading the message Eric's heart swelled with happiness from the praise and yet at the same time he did felt a little bad for betraying Dark he truly felt like he gotten close with the demon even seeing him as a father figure.

"What's done is done.. Let's just hope Dark never finds out that I worked with Mark" Eric pocketed his phone away and stood up wobbly before following the chanting to join in on the fun. That day Dark's ultimate plan for revenge was put on hold and his job as leader was taken by Wilford, Dark's new role for the company now was being their company blimp advertising every day. Dark never said anything but he knew this had to do with Mark and someone in the group was a mole and he will wait patiently to strike and teach the mole a lesson.

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