pt. 2

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Trigger warning: Violent and Language

Im Siwan's POV

Life has been so easy for me since I was born. My dad own the largest company in Korea. My mom was the nation's popular actress. But despite all of that, I decided to dedicate my life to my country. Serving my lovely country. Ready to sacrifice my life for my own country anytime. My dad hatred me for that. He wanted me to just inherit his wealth and keeping his company safe. Okay okay to conclude everything, I'm a commander at NSC (National Security Council). My work is basically keeping the South Korea safe.

Today is my first day as a commander. I've got promoted to a commander at early age because of my abilities on strategy and fight. I woke up at 7 sharp and went to the bathroom to shower. Wore a basic black and white suit with a navy blue tie. I drove a white Tesla Model x which my dad buys for me for my 20th birthday to my workplace. As soon as I arrived at NSC's main building, I went to my office to wear a bulletproof vest and loaded my gun with a live bullet. It's my routine to do so before going to the scene. I received a command from the President to go to the South-North border. According to him, a suspicious man wearing a North's Army outfit to be seen at the DMZ borderline.

"Greet her. She is the on-the-scene commander from the 17th Division of Special Forces." said the President. "NSC's commander, Im Si-wan", I said while salute her. She coldly accept my salute and said, "On-the scene commander, Oh Yeon Seo". I stared at her for the whole minute. Her arrogance made my heart burning. Or maybe her undeniable pretty face. Dimples on her both cheeks , her long black hair , her shining eyes. Ahh I should be professional on my work. 

The 17th Division and some of NSC's elite members collabed to find the suspicious man. We went inside the DMZ at 5:00 p.m and were told to be back with the suspicious man by 12:00 a.m. Well, sounds impossible since the  area of jungle is very wide. Elite members and special forces... not being able to complete the mission sounds weirder.

Searching and searching until 9. Some of us already seems tired and exhausted. "I think we should divide up and search according to sectors." I gave my opinion on the radio. "Gather around." a single word from Yeon Seo. "You two go to sector 21. Both of you should go to sector 11." she commanded while pointing two pairs. "Commander Im and I will go to sector 9" she said while take a peek on my face. I simply nodded.

"Well, how old are you?" I said , trying to break the ice while walking in pair with her. She ignored me and keep pointing her shotgun at the front. "Hello? Am I talking to a tree?" I asked. Again, she just ignored me and give me her annoyed look. I let out a long sigh and stand infront of her to make sure her footstep would stop. "Didn't your heard me? If someone talk to you, you should at least give a gesture to answer. Didn't your parents teach--" I couldn't finish my sentence. "Shhh" she said while pointing her gun at the top of tree. I looked up and all I can see is a black figure. Suddenly, the 'black figure' jumped on Yeon Seo and tried to hurt her neck with a dagger. "Put down your weapon." I warned him. I realised that the figure is the suspicious man wearing a North Army's outfit. "Are you a North defector?" I asked, trying to comfort him. The man just laughed and tighten his grip on Yeon Seo. I shot the man's leg and jumped on him to separate him from  Yeon Seo. The man groan in pain and still trying to escape from my grip. "Don't move or I'll fking kill you" I said. I tied his both hands and stood up. "Are you okay?" I asked Yeon Seo out of concern. She just nodded and point her mouth at the man to signify that we should go back to the campbase as soon as possible.

"Great work! Thank you for your hard work!" the President praised us. We all bowed to him and announced the completeness of our mission." I grant you all a week of discharge since yall has completed the task without any injuries and fatalities. Have a good rest. " said the President to wrap up the mission. 

Oh Yeonseo's POV

Not saying anything would be rude. I should at least show my gratitude to him. Well, whoever he said his name was. I found him trying to get on the car. Maybe to just go back to Seoul since we all exhausted and wasted. "Hmm, I need to talk to you." I said to him. He looked puzzled yet still follow my words. "Yea sure. What is it about?" he asked. "Uhmm..I-I have to s-say that I'm thank you for saving me earlier. Even though I could handle that situation alone." I said, still trying to keep my ignorance. He laughed and said, "Uhmm,, just a thank you? If I wasn't there maybe you're already at the North or should be dead somewhere at the DMZ. You should at least buy a fine meal, or a round of drink." he said. "Alright, why not? Meet me at Seoul two days later." I said simply and went back to my own vehicle. I could see his smiling with his eyes closed. Cute tho.


Hello! I forgot to do an author's note before publishing the first part so here I am right now. This part only the beginning of the story but it was already so hard to think about next next scene T.T

//This story purely a fanfiction//

Btw, sorry for the grammar mistakes since English is not my native language. So reminder again, this story may be inappropriate to some people, included some of violent scenes and usage of strong language.

Hope you all enjoy reading this book! Oh yea, I wanted to do a ONE SHOT Stray Kids X Reader after this book complete. What do you guys think? Any stay here?

Trigger warning: Violent and language    

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