Heart Aflame

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Miranda was so tired. She was still getting used to being Chief of Surgery and a single mom. She had the weight of the hospital and her son’s wellbeing in her hands. She wanted to be successful in her career but she wanted to also be the best mom she could possible be. She took off half the day to go to Tuck’s soccer game. After his game, she sat through pizza with Tucker. Something she really didn’t want to do but pushed her feelings aside for her son.

After Tuck went to bed. Miranda sat up in bed and did her paper work. She put her paper work down on her night stand and then went to go take a shower. When she got out of the shower, she pinned her hair up and lotion down, putting on her black bra and panties then slipping on her red silk night gown with black lace trimmings.

She got into her big bed and she turned her body slanted. One thing she loved was the ability to stretch out in the bed and not having someone hot beside her. She had been alone in a bed for 6 years and she was content.
Miranda pulled the covers up and closed her eyes falling into a peaceful slumber.

“Ma.” She felt her 9 year old shake her.

“Ma wake up.” Tucker said in distress.

Hearing the pleading and desperation in her child’s voice caused her to jolt up.
“What’s wrong.” Miranda asked wiping her eyes.
“Wait do I smell smoke.” Miranda yelled.

“What’s burning.” Miranda asked. She quickly walked out into the hall and saw at the end, leading to the living room was in flames.

“Oh my God Tuck, go back into my room quickly.” Miranda yelled as she started coughing because of the smoke.

She grabbed her phone and began to call 911.
“911 what’s your emergency.”

“The front of my house is on fire.” Miranda yelled frantically.

“What’s your address.”
Miranda began to spur out her address and other details.

“ Where is your son. “ The 911 operator asked.

“He is right here beside me.”

“Okay. Do you have any windows in your room.”

“No I don’t.” Miranda said beginning to bite her nails, her hands trembling.

“Tuck it’s okay, don’t cry. We are going to be fine. Pull yourself together so mommy can concentrate.” Miranda said being chiefly and motherly.

“Can you go into your bathroom and find towels rags, clothes and anything. Wet them until they are soaked and placed them at your bedroom door.”

“Okay.” Miranda said getting up.

“Tuck come help mommy. Go into my drawers and grabbed my clothes and put them in the tub.” She watched as Tuck opened her dresser drawers and pulled out her clothes and held a pile of them and put them in his arms and Miranda did the same.

She turned the water on soaking them before scooping them up into her arms and put them at the door.

She cleaned out her drawers and closet soaking them and put them at the door stacking them up.

“Okay I did that.” Miranda said to the 911 operator.” Okay go into your bathroom and shut the door. Sitting on the floor just in case the smoke gets thick. The fire truck and aid car is in route.”

“Okay.” Miranda said. She waited as Tuck laid on her legs and she rubbed his back and head.

She heard a banging noise and she jumped from it.
“Seattle fire department.” She heard someone yell.
“I am in here.” Miranda yelled out.

Heart AflameWhere stories live. Discover now