the start

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Chapter One

Hugo's P.O.V

 rolled my eyes as I walked through the streets of Diagon Alley, my twin Draco was by my side as our younger sister Pierce was running around grabbing her stuff for school while our brother was at home dealing with our father for doing something stupid like always. I nudge Draco shoving him toward Ollivander's wand shop as I smirk.

" Well, I got to grab some shit" I walk towards the bookshop as he groans mumbling how he doesn't want to do it. I bump into something (or someone)

"watch it, dumbass" I snarl out platinum blonde hair falling into my grey-blue eyes. I shoot my head up to see brown doe eyes looking back slightly lightens up as I see George Weasley staring at me in a daze. I giggle softly as his twin comes up to us scowl present on his face.

"Let's go Georgie we don't need this snake ruining our day" I sign as Fred pulls George away down the streets as strangers look at me in pity.

"Walk away right now and don't say a fucking word" I snap with a wave of anger. I turn around and stalk away to the nearest fireplace with simple words of 'Malfoy Manor' in seconds I appear in the living room where my Aunt Bella and mother and father are sitting there.

"Don't fucking talk to me right now I'm not in the mood" my hair turning a slight red color as the words growl out mostly at my father. Aunt Bella snickering as I walk towards my room in the attic as it was the one with the most privacy and the best view of the forest landscape. I hear my Aunt cackling downstairs from my outburst that was directed at my father and my mother's caring words to calm him down as my brother already pissed him off with whatever he did or said this morning.

"Just fucking great" I mumble to myself as I pace back and forth until I managed to punch the wall near the window before I start to break down as the day was already going to shit and it was only around 1:00 in the afternoon. After a while, I could hear my little sister boast about the new wand that she got but I couldn't be bothered then. I escape from my windowpane to sit on the roof of the mansion and just think for a bit as I bring myself back to a calm state of mind so I can enjoy (well try to ) the rest of the day as I can. Well, I guess time does slip away, as they say, my dream-like daze was cut short as a light breeze came over me making me snap my head up seeing the dark sky. Sighing as I climb back into my room turning on my lights before changing into PJ's. climbing into bed before I get questioned by my twin brother for not showing up to dinner that night before school starts back up tomorrow, well that's if I go to sleep that is. With my little sisters' screams and my fathers yells for her to shut up so they can sleep. Draco and my younger brother Walkers snickers from their rooms as my mother sleeps the night away. I roll my eyes and think back to what happened earlier that day with Fred and George and the words that were said my way and only my way for the most part. I slowly drifted off into sleep.

----Time Skip to the next day-------

"HUGO WAKE UP RIGHT NOW" My father's stern voice rings out in the mansion. I jump up as I growl as I do so I grab my trunk and 12 ¾ ", Sycamore Wood, Phoenix Feather Core wand with tiny designs on the handle of it.

"YEAH " I yell back fixing my green dress and light makeup which was red lipstick and my black heels as I walk down the stairs from my room to the foyer of our house. I pick up my pace as the clock hits 10:30 walking to the hearth I was the first one gone my mood from yesterday still there. I just took off throwing my luggage with the others and jump right on the train with no questions asked. I sat in an empty compartment looking at my twin and younger brother and sister, I wave to my mother blowing her a kiss, and sending a slight glare to my father. Our relationship wasn't the best kind, we managed with it. My twin and younger siblings board the train as time came closer. They all sat in different places leaving me alone which was for the best.  And as the train started to Pick up speed that's where my story start's for better or for worse but time will only tell.

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