the train ride

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          The train ride was tiring as I had my nose in a book with a few chocolate frogs surrounding the empty seat across from mine. I lay the book down and groan loudly. I changed into my robes as soon as I got onto the train, the burning discomfort of isolation hits me. I look around spotting the golden trio grinning at something that someone said. I smile softly and look out the window, tears easily pooling in my eyes as my hair becomes blue near my bangs. Nothing makes sense to me, how Fred behaved with me and how George didn't reply and just left. Did he like me back? Or am I looking too deep into this? I probably am plus my father would abolish me. a Malfoy dating a Weasley that will never happen plus he will never like me. well because of obvious reasons there are. I must've been in my thoughts as someone cleared their throat to get my attention once again. making me snap my head to the door only to find the golden trio standing there without warning Harry sits down with Ron and Hermione."U-um hello" I stutter out not nearly as confident as my twin but I still have a lot of control over a good part of the school. "Hello Malfoy" Ron spits out as Hermione and Harry just nod in my direction making me wave shyly "can I help you?" I try to say but it comes out as a question. "Stay away from my brothers you got it?" Ron spits out getting up and stalking out of my compartment and back into theirs making me sigh lightly and nod even though he already left. the other two stayed back before watching my eyes pool lightly before walking away also. "Well, that could've gone way better" I murmur to myself as I shake my head getting ready for the rumors to start circulating that a Malfoy couldn't be as brave as her twin brother. I growl to myself, "What the fuck is wrong with you, can't you do anything right?' My grey-blue eyes start to well up as the train starts to decrease to a stop as we reach Hogwarts. I run to one of the many doors ready to leave once they open not before a cry of "HEY MALFOY WAIT". A familiar voice shouts as George runs through my ears making me smile softly to myself. "Yeah" I call back sounding like my normal tired self looking in the direction of his voice.

"So I heard my brother talked to your earlier " I nod waiting for him to keep going, "Harry said you were going to cry about it ." I roll my eyes and when the doors open I jump off rushing away to the carriages. hoping I can ride by myself so I don't get embarrassed by my crush anymore. I managed to trip over my own two feet and make a dash into one of the "empty" carriages which just happened to include Fred and George already there. Groaning yet again I sit down with a small pout on my face as they start laughing at me ... Loudly... I roll my eyes shooting my best glare at them which shuts them up instantly with panic in their eyes, I smirk widely as the carriage pulls to the school. The twins talk and joke with each other as if I'm not there which at that moment I wish I wasn't. I notice George's face flush with color as Fred whispers to him, probably about what happened earlier with his younger brother, going back into my thoughts I start to tear up wishing I was in a regular family. But hey even Malfoys have their breaking points, some more than others. When the carriage stops I notice the twins staring at me, with two different expressions, George gazing at me with pity while Fred was grinning. Great now he's going to start a rumor about me, I pull myself together shooting out of the carriage dashing to the school just wishing to have a normal life. But not all of us are that lucky. I never asked to be the way that I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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