empat; irl

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"your comment section is a mess" i laughed peeking down to anaïs phone

"i know, jeez," she said putting it down,

right now we are on anaïs' couch, chipotle on our laps, netflix was playing in the background that we didn't pay much attention to. i grabbed her phone off her lap turning it on, logging on her instagram

"who's lennon and gene anyway?" i asked looking up at her

"wait you don't know?" she asked shocked, snatching her phone that was on my hand

she typed in someone's account, showing it back to me, gene gallagher?

"wait liam's son?" i looked at her wide eyes

"yeah! also lennon too" she replied showing me another person's account. lennon gallagher.

"they're pretty cute" i said to her scrolling down lennon's feed, giving her a knowing look

"stop talking about my cousins like that. and anyway, your dad doesn't even like them" she smirked

"whatever" i huffed knowing she was right, feeding myself another spoon of brown rice again

"talking about them" she continued, "—gene commented, he said he knows you? what's that all about?"

"oh. i think i saw gene at dunkin's earlier" i replied, "—he's the one with reddish hair right?" she nodded

raising an eyebrow, she said "no way? really? coincidence? i think not"

"ha ha funny, and that's not even the best part" i smirked, "—he also winked at me"

anaïs gaped looking up at me, i give her a boxed grin waiting for her reaction, "—you're serious?"

"yes" i laughed

"holy shit, layla. you better choose between the both of them" she said, putting down her bowl that was on her lap, "—what do you mean" i furrowed my eyebrows, i grabbed a tissue wiping my hand with it

"i think you got yourself some admirers" she nudged me on the ribs, i let out an 'ow'

"that's ridiculous" i rolled my eyes chuckling, she smiled at me jokingly, "—no seriously, have you seen their comments on my post?"

i shake my head at her as i grab the tv remote on her living room table. turning off netflix. i changed the channel to mtv checking what's on. suprises, surprise, liam gallagher: mtv unplugged

i heard anaïs snorts from beside me, i reach out to her pinching her on the thigh, she flinched and burst out laughing

"that's not funny!" i glared at anaïs who's still laughing loudly

"it's not, but it's such a perfect timing!" she said still laughing, "—it's just meant to be"

"shut up"

beetlebum ☼ lennon gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now