10. Beginning of the End

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Seonghwa took the last guard that lasted until morning together with Yeosang and Mingi. He had slept for a good few hours but felt barely rested. His mind was back to spinning around negative thoughts at speeds that made him nauseous and took away his appetite. Hongjoong and Yunho still pushed him to eat at least a bit of food so he would have strength for the day.

He was not the only one, though. Wooyoung had been looking pale and was the centre of San's attention during the whole morning.

They had left the forest in order to return to the planes, this time crossing them in the other direction and away from Seungyoun's lake and the castle. The green grasslands and grey skies had long since started to look tiringly bleak. It was a useless game they were playing, searching for something that had no need to hide. Their umbras were most likely watching them during all this time and giggling in some corner as the crew went on with their search.

Seonghwa was constantly paranoid as he carefully looked around to try and detect the black uniforms of the demons behind some rocks. He was leading the group today since Hongjoong kept staying back with one crew member at a time to have his captain talk with them. Since he was far, Seonghwa found himself walking side by side with Yeosang, who had already had his talk. Thus he spent his time brooding over the possibilities of the encounter that was coming up.

Sometimes he cursed or uttered beneath his breath, but he mostly kept silent as they walked. Wooyoung did a great job in using his long-established lookout abilities to detect any movement in the still lands, too.

Seonghwa was resting his hands on his swords on both sides of his hips, always ready to pull them. He kept wondering how much blood they would taste today. Would everybody fight their own umbra? With Hongjoong fighting Mingi's? He could not imagine them being that coordinated, but the umbras certainly had a plan on how to figure that out. More tricks were waiting for the crew, and Seonghwa tried to foresee them all.

He and Yeosang must have made an incredibly grumpy picture to any outsider, but nobody within the crew found the strength to laugh. Today was not a day for laughter. It was a day that would feed the earth underneath their feet with blood.

Seonghwa glanced around, counting the heads of the grim pirates behind. Hongjoong was just now talking with Mingi, their interwoven hands swinging between the two of them while a big grin painted Mingi's face under his eyepatch. The difference in height between the two of them was adorable, especially with the knowledge of Hongjoong's true height without the heels. They seemed fine, just like Wooyoung and San that were quietly mumbling with Yunho at their side. Jongho had a row for himself, walking in front of the five others and right behind Seonghwa and Yeosang where he could have an eye on his lover. His gaze met Seonghwa's as he looked around, and they shared a quiet nod.

"Hey, Hwa. Remember what Seungyoun told us how he perceives this plane? As sources of energy instead of people with faces and such?"

With a hum, Seonghwa focused back on Yeosang to show him that he had his attention. The man was frowning as he was deep in thought, his fingers tapping away on his belt impatiently.

"And Hongjoong sees the colours of said energies differently. Did you ask him how he sees Seungyoun? Given that he is a demon that might make it easier for us to find the doubles."

Seonghwa shook his head as the thought slowly caught up with him. There could be traces, maybe. Certain places they frequented. Maybe even the signal of a trap.

"Let me ask him real quick." Seonghwa rounded the surprised group to close in on Mingi and Hongjoong. At seeing him approach, Mingi quickly dropped Hongjoong's hand as if he had burnt himself. His panicked expression pulled a smile from Seonghwa and a chuckle from Hongjoong as he grabbed onto the man's fingers again.

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