13. Lose Control

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TW: More Character Death, Blood and Gore


Seonghwa's back was hurting from the stab wound and the knife that was still constantly scraping over his spine. He worried about it cutting any important tendons but knew not to pull it out or else he might bleed out. Instead, he bit his teeth through the pain as he crawled over to where Yeosang was lying on his stomach. His body hurt at every movement, but he stayed resilient, not allowing himself any break.

He should stay awake now and watch the battle. Just how in his and Yeosang's case, help might be needed any time.

He dragged his body over the grass with goosebumps decorating every inch of his skin. The cold air bit at his naked skin viciously, not leaving him with an option to put on more clothes. He had thrown his umbra's coat over his shoulders, but even now his arms shook not only from how much he had been asking for them. The fighting had made him weak, and his muscles spasmed from time to time, nearly giving way.

Seonghwa's body was numb with pain by the time he reached his friend. Wooyoung was near them, protecting their fallen bodies and keeping an eye as well as his pistols pointed at the battlefield. As he saw Seonghwa's struggle in getting closer, he even jogged over and watched his back as Seonghwa completed the last few meters.

At finally closing up on Yeosang, he was ready to collapse, and he did just that, falling next to the man in a heap of dirt and pained limbs. For once, he allowed himself to breathe and blink through the curtain that his black locks created.

Yeosang was curling around a wound at his hip, but he managed to sit up straighter as he saw Seonghwa's condition.

"Is it bad?" His eyes worriedly slid over the dagger buried in Seonghwa's back. He doubted that it had hit anything important, but he still chose to stay careful.

"I had worse. I want this to end." Seonghwa felt tired as he rolled onto his stomach, easing the pain in his spine as good as possible. His thighs were caked with blood, gaining him a worried glance from Wooyoung.

"It will. Soon."

They watched Wooyoung spring from their side to help Mingi and Hongjoong with Mingi's double again. They all were in the final moments of their battle, and it seemed as if it would end with them winning given the number of people that were still standing. They had an advantage finally. Their team spirit had actually worked wonders in tricking the umbras.

Jongho was dropping Yeosang's shadow to the floor. His hairline was glistening with sweat, and his arms were bathed in blood from his brutal punches.

Yunho was completely down by now, too, unconscious but bitterly defended by Mingi and Hongjoong. The cook's blond hair was hanging into his peaceful face, giving the illusion of him having a peaceful rest.

From what Seonghwa could see, it was only Mingi's umbra who was left and creating problems for them. In the mass of bodies in the middle of the red-tainted crater he was the only one still up and fighting, just now pushing his double to the ground. Both Mingi and Hongjoong kept slashing and jumping angrily at him only to be forced to move back from his brutal mace again.

Hongjoong was swaying in his boots, clearly tired and exhausted, but he still tried to fight through it, stubbornly staying on his feet. Seeing him still up and fighting with wild eyes and his hair a mess relieved Seonghwa's pained heart a great deal.

"It looks good for us. Should we interfere? I could try shooting if your shoulder hurts." Seonghwa turned to look at the navigator who was still holding his pistol pressed to his chest as if it was his greatest treasure. Which it probably was, given his history.

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