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It was 2014 and Spencer was having an amazing-ish year. Her year had started off great she had a new man and he was perfect to her. But unfortunately he cheated on her. She was so heart broken. He was her everything. But with the help of her amazing friends, Abby, Izzabela, Riley and Claire she got over him and plus it was like March so spring break was right around the corner. So after she came back from spring break she was devastated Jason her ex-boyfriend came back with a new girlfriend, Chloe. She just had her heart torn out by him and now he's back with a new girl. Well she wanted to disappear but when her mom announced that Spencer would be attending an after school program Spencer was awed. Like how could her mom do that to her. Oh well she would have to deal with it but little did she know she would meet the man of her dreams at this so called terrible after school program .

The Tale of Two FriendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora