The Beginning

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It all starts with me. My name is Isabelle. I am 17 years old. I live in Philadelphia in a small town called Canyer. I was a very shy girl , I didn't have many friends. I made decent grades. I tried to stay in my room as much as I can because I dont really get along with my family. Since you now know about me lets move on to the story. One day I went to school like a normal day. Then, I was talking to one of my friends named Emi, when I saw this guy walk in the door. I didnt know who he was I asked my friend and she didn't know. He was so attractive with his crystal blue eyes, his perfect dark brown hair, he just looked so amazing when he walked in. My friend saw me looking at him and said omg you like him don't you? She asked. And I blushed and said no. She said you should talk to him. I said you know im shy I can't just walk up to him and talk to him like its nothing. She said well you should though. I just rolled my eyes and went on to my class. When I walked in my biology class he was in there. The only seat was beside him. So I sat down shaking half to death. I was looking down doing my work when all of a sudden he leans over and says hi my Derek. I look at his beautiful blue eyes and I smile and say hi my name is Isabelle. Then the teacher tells us to be quiet. So we just went back to doing our work. The bell rings and im heading to my locker when someone taps me on my shoulder. It was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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