Meeting all the barrys and school day

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Barry was on my left side with Kac on my right kac started to speak "me and Barry are going to help you or I could pick you up your choice and since we are all in the PRU we'll take you there" I answered with "I don't mind" I then felt a hand go underneath my knee joint and back I was soon lifted off the ground I had realised it was cas so I laid my head on her chest which she looked completely fine with "Barry go get her time table" Barry then walked off kac started to walk to the PRU I'm guessing she looked down at me sh asked me "do you want to try walking or not" "I'll try" she put me down with her arm wrapped around my waist I was limping we got to the PRU and Kac introduced me to miss Boston who shook my hand and told me to sit down next kac which I happily done she could see that I was really worried so she smiled and me and put her hand under the table with her hand open so I put my hand in hers we laced our fingers together while she kept on rubbing my knuckles trying to keep me calm

/////skip to break/////
Kac had just introduced me to her sister dynasty
Kac then asked me "do you want to come to mine later" "nah I can't my old man would be mad at me" she then hugged me and I hugged back "you can stay the night I can give you some clothes" "fine" the bell soon rang so we had to back to class miss Boston was accusing scout of stealing her car

/////skip to lunch/////
I payed for Kac lunch she said she needed to go to the toilet so I just sat there waiting for her

*5 minutes later*
Scout comes running in saying Barry is attacking kacey so I got up and ran faster than anyone else trying to get to her

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