◦•●◉✿ Chapter - 13 ✿◉●•◦

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Taehyung never felt happy riding a bus before. He usually didn't like unnecessary touches of other people, but that night he didn't pay any attention to them, he was much like floating into his own bubble of happiness.

He recalled how Jungkook was blushing like a teenager just half an hour ago when he mentioned that he won the seduction game; it was a very rare sight to see him like this. Taehyung was happy that his boss opened his heart for the first time with him. He also said that he trusted him, it was another thing to make him feel good.

A little girl playing with her mother on his front  seat drew his attention. She was trying to come down from her mother's lap, but her mother again was pulling her over her lap. In that boring bus journey, surrounded by straight face office workers, that was a very present sight indeed. He used to think his soul would be healed just by being with children and every time he saw their innocent smiles, his inner child jumped with happiness and he couldn't help himself smiling with them.

Jungkook offered him a car if he wished for it, but how could he ask for these expensive things? He didn't win a lottery, he just won his boss's attention, so asking for a car because of that; would be cheating to his inner self. He wanted to buy a car on his own money, as he knew he could afford it after five or six months, when his family would be free from any money related problems and he definitely would wait for that day.

Taehyung threw a soft smile towards Min Yoongi's advertising holding on his way home and walked quickly. He halted on the doorway, when delicious smell mixing with giggles and laughter wafted from their dining table.

"Ahjussi, what a pleasant surprise! Jimin-ah!" His best friend pulled him in a hug before he could riddle out anything. Eyeing the numberless food items on the table his mouth gaped. "We're having a party?"

"Oppa, why are you late? We were waiting for you." Dahyun pursed her lips in a pout. Sunoo lightly elbowed her to stop her nagging. They were all sitting around their dining table.

"Hyung, come sit with us. Jimin hyung bought all these food from his first paycheck." Sunoo smiled, which melted his brother's heart, these days he barely smiled at anything. Jimin pulled him towards the table.

Taehyung looked at his friend, so Jimin thought of celebrating it with his whole family, instead of just him. The smile on his lips showed love for his friend and his soft eyes showed respect which Jimin returned with a shy chuckle.

His mother was serving rice, she lightly scolded Jimin, "Jimin-ah, you just got a job, why are you wasting your money like this?"

Jimin's father, Park Jihoon, who was sitting by her side softly spoke to her, "Haesook-ssi, it's good to have all of the kids together and money will come and go, our kids happiness is more important."

"Yes." Haesook wiped a small tear from the corner of her eyes, it wasn't a moment to shed tears but she couldn't stop herself remembering her late husband. "After Taehyung's father's death, you helped us with so many things. How can I repay you Jihoon-ssi?" Her voice broke along with Taehyung's heart.

"Please don't cry, mom. You told us that you won't cry anymore." Taehyung slowly slid his hand on his mother's back. She sighed deeply.

"Haesook-ssi," Jihoon came closer to her side, putting a hand on her shoulder, he consoled her gently, "You're a true inspiration to us. You always stayed strong even when the situation became worse. I could only help you with money but it was you who had worked hard everyday to make tofus and looked after your children like a great mother. I'll always be with you. Whenever you need anything, don't hesitate to talk with me. My doors are always open for you." He simperd when she smiled shyly at him.

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