◦•●◉✿ Chapter - 21 ✿◉●•◦

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Rose’s attraction to Jungkook was melting into a delicious affection when he took her hand in front of her parents and a room full of guests. With every step she took with him was like walking on the golden carpet of heaven. She couldn't stop smiling throughout their journey to her room. Jungkook's touch was sending magnetic waves through her veins to her brain; she felt goosebumps rising on her skin. 

Stepping inside, Jungkook released her hand, turned his head to the door and closed it behind. Now in that large princess bedroom they were all alone. Rose simpered shyly. "Jungkook, what are you doing? All the guests are waiting downstairs. We could continue it after the party."

"Rose, can I talk with you for a moment?" He said, looking at her, voice low and calm. After seeing her little nod, he asked, "Do you remember those days when we used to play together in our family picnics and parties?"

"Yes, it was in our childhood." She was wearing a pleasant expression with a slight pout on her full lips., "But after we became teenagers, you started avoiding me."

"Do you know the reason why?"

Her pout became prominent, "No."

"Maybe I know. That time I was told you'll be my bride when we become adults." Jungkook watched her every expression. She was deeply absorbed in thought. He continued, "I know you knew that too. Because your family was more conservative than mine. Maybe they told you before ten so that it would be easier for you to see me as your fated mate."

"Yes." Spoke Rose, confused, searching the answer in his eyes. She didn't know why he was bringing this topic in a day like this. "But why are you telling me all this Jungkook?"

"I want to start from where we left." Jungkook was twirling a German silver ring on his pinky. But his attention was on her. They had several places to sit and talk but none paid attention to the fancy couch and chairs. Jungkook came closer to her; but not within her personal space. "You know, people stop caring for many different reasons. Personally, I stopped caring about you because I wanted to live a freer, happier life and not constantly worrying about the impression I've to give you and your family. Maybe deep inside I was mentally preparing myself for this wedding but-" He placed a hand over his heart, "I couldn't feel it here, not even one day."

"Jungkook!" Rose bit her lip, eyes became salty. 

"Let me tell you some secrets. I know it was stupid and you call me heartless but when we were twelve, it was me who broke your doll house when you went to the bathroom. It was me who flirted and had sex with your best friend when you introduced me as your fiance. I know because of me you two broke your friendship. But this is me Rose, I didn't care about you that day, and I think I won't in the near future, even if you become my wife."

Rose left a sigh hopelessly, the saltiness burned her eyes as she thought of something, voice became raspy, "Why? Why can't you care about me? Why can't you love me Jungkook? Is it because of that boy?"

"That boy broke up with me Rose. He left me and I let him go. Now I don't have any strings attached with anyone. If you want to marry me, I'll do it." He took her hand on his delicately, looking in her eyes he softly spoke, "But I want to know why. Why do you want to marry me Rose?"

"Because I love you." She cried. 

Jungkook's depthless gaze on her stiffened, smiled faintly. "No Rose, you're lying. You can't love anyone because you don't love yourself. You're pushing yourself to a person who doesn't even care for you. Your parents set a mindset in your head that you have to marry me at any cost, and your heart accepted it, not knowing the outcome. I tried to run from you all these years. Do you think after our marriage I'll ever surrender my feelings to you? Our days will be just days with food, work and sex—without love." He took a deep breath and glared softly, "Do you want that life Rose?"

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