Chapter 2

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Standing by the door near the cafeteria, looking at the different agents getting ready for their either long or short lunch break, depending on what case they're on, Christopher Wood or also called as Chris, sighed. He looked for his phone on his uniform, a black jacket's pocket, waiting for an answer. An agent came up to him.

"Agent Wood," said the agent. "The director is waiting for you in his office. It's urgent."

Chris, looking away from his phone, gave him a confused look. "New assignment?"

"Probably," he replied. "Something big, agent."

Something big. He thought. He's never got something big since he started this job. It's something new to him but he's going to do it nonetheless. He will and can do it, however big it is.

He knocked on the director's door, "Wood." The Director signaled him to come in.

"Agent Wood," started the director, not letting Chris to start the talking. "You may be wondering why I called you here."

Chris nodded, his eyes looking directly at his boss. "Yes, sir, I am."

The director sighed. "I want to tell you something about this huge case involving hacking, the president, and most probably our whole country."

Those words gave Chris some chills. It's going to be bigger than he thought. "That's huge, sir. I've only handled small cases, I haven't handled these kinds of cases."

"I know that, agent," said the director with a smile. "You're great, you have a potential. I know you can help in this case, Wood. First of all, I want to summarize this case for you but I require you to read these files tonight, or right now if you won't have to do something more important than this. So, the culprit of this case is unknown, we don't know the gender, if it's working by itself, or if it's a huge organization. All we know is that whatever or whoever this is, they hacked the president's files and computers which contains a lot of important files and information about each and every one in this country. First, there wasn't any attacks. I won't be expanding the story on what happens next, I want you to read it first because tomorrow night, Wood, we will go to Washington. I'll be explaining more in detail during the flight going there."

All is happening too fast for Chris and he doesn't know what to say or do. "Wait, sir, with all due respect, I really don't know what to do here."

"You have a partner," said the director. "She is one of the best agents – the best agent, in fact. You will meet her tomorrow morning or afternoon, whenever both of you are free. You will be staying in a house, your hideout, there is a secret room that I am sure she will be able to find it. I trust this agent more than anyone so both of you are surely safe. Also, this house is near one of our stations there so if you need anything, if you need to contact us, just go there."

Chris nodded. "I am not very sure if I am ready for this kind of assignment but I will make sure that I'll do everything I can."

The director smiled. "I know you will, Christopher. Just promise me to take care of yourself and your partner, Agent Melissa Benoist, I know you've heard about her. You are the guy here, I know you can and you will atleast make sure both of you are safe no matter what. Benoist is a really smart agent, she's one of the smartest and the best agent here but sometimes she isn't really careful, she tends to think too much sometimes so I hope you make sure everything is fine."

"Melissa Benoist," Chris smiled. "Agent Benoist. Of course I know her. It was my dream to work with her because of the many cases she's solved, she's brave. Thank you, sir."

The director nodded, picking up the pile of files in front of him. "These files are the files you need to review. I hope you read them for you to be ready for tomorrow. Although your partner knows about all these, the rules, almost everything, I need you to know them also. Plus, she doesn't know the whole story as well. You're both new in this story."

Chris nodded. "Sir, may I ask if this is dangerous? I mean, I know our job is dangerous but how dangerous is this?"

"It's dangerous," the director sighed. "I don't want to scare you or anything but the original agent who was solving this case went on a lead and never came back. That's the main reason why I put my best agent on this case and you. I know you two will make it, I believe in you. I know you'll make a great team."

"Thank you sir," Chris started. "Thank you for believing in me even though I don't think I've proven myself enough to take this case. May I ask if I can take the day off today? I just need to talk to someone."

"Sure thing. Just come back tomorrow morning at 10 am. I will brief the both of you about what you're going to do in full detail, is that okay?"

Chris nodded. "What will you brief us about sir? Isn't this a briefing already?"

"I need to officially brief the two of you together," said the director. "And for you to meet each other and to know some things about each other. You'll be living together for a long time and I think that is the right thing to do."

Chris nodded. After some saying some final things, director dismissed Chris. Chris left the office with pile of files in hand, nervous but he's ready to solve this case. It's his first one. He just need to speak with someone before he goes on a dangerous, long-lasting mission he's about to enter.


- An unexpected update because Melissa & Chris are very active on Twitter & Instagram today because of the election results haha. I hope you liked it!

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