Chapter 1: Phobia

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 October 12th 2009 11:48am; 

Dear Diary a phobia is a funny thing really, as it is when you are generally terrified of something that can’t hurt you in any manner, take today’s number 1 fear arachnophobia…. (A fear of spiders) There is like one spider in Britain that can kill you (the false widow or something..)  Sure if you live in Australia I  mean there must be thousands there living under your toilet sea ready to pounce on the unsuspecting tourist…. Any ways I’ve discovered my mum has a phobia of heights so I have made her…

A loud muffled voice came from below the floor boards,

“Sophie do you want to go or not?”

Jumping away from my Diary I dragged my now dead feet to the door, feeling rather sluggish I pulled my big oak plank wide. Breathing in heavily I screamed towards the stairs,

“Of course I do!”

Before waiting for an answer I turned and yelled “Just give me a minute” before lunging myself back at my bed “Now where was I?”…

….take me to the London Eye to analyse her fear further. In any case I hope this rumour is true, if mum is scared of heights I could totally use this to my advantage. I don’t know how yet but I could get nearly anything I wanted! Any way write to you later Diary.

With a burst of excitement I squealed ,before  grabbing my bag, coat and hat. Before bounding to the door I looked in my mirror, to see a girl staring back at me with silky blonde hair, milky skin, little rosy cheeks and a large grin painted ear to ----ear. Every step I took echoed round the house.

“You better not be running down those stairs again…”

 Mum scolded.

“No of course not” I said just before bounding to the bottom,      my heart raced as the door handle clicked telling us it had opened, pushing my mum out the way of my charge to the car, I flew at the handle and climbed into the passenger’s seat. After waiting a couple of minuets for mum to sort her self out, we were off.

Soon enough we had got lost in the twist of turns of London, to make things worse we were stuck in traffic and it was raining. Anxiously waiting I began to twiddle the volume button for the radio.

“Sophie stop!” My mum screeched after finally snapping,

I gradually took in my mum’s appearance, she had thick chocolaty hair that lapsed into small curls, her face although rather young seemed to have been stretched beyond compare 

 leaving large stress wrinkles that of a bulldog.

“Sorry mum,” I said apologetically, “just how long is it going to take” I continued to her annoyance.

“I know your not used to these long car journeys Sophie, but you are going to have to get used to it if you want to live in London.” Mum said rather subjectively.

My anger levels rose as I blurted out

“If I want live in London?!..” 

I turned to face my mum, and looked deep into her eyes with the most agitated look, “ I never wanted to leave Ivybridge!” -   -Realising my sudden out burst had upset mum  I turned away and sat silently,

“Sophie I’m sorry you feel this way, if it makes you feel any better I didn’t want to move either, it is just that a job opportunity came up and it was to good to pass down, I’m sorry darling.” Although unable to see mum’s face I knew she meant what she had said.

“I’m sorry too mum…” I said before getting interrupted by her,                                              “Don’t be, to pass the time why don’t you write in your journal.”

As soon as she said what she had said I grabbed by diary and began to etch down my thoughts.

October 12th 2009 12:14pm;

 Dear Diary Gahh parents can be so obnoxious, I mean at least she tries to understand unlike my dad who just up and left because he didn’t like the pressure of having a child and couldn’t get his head around the fact that I couldn’t cope with him and mum arguing all the time and it effected my school grades.

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