Chapter 12

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Dalton paid the bill and said his goodbyes to the woman, Megan, who he later on told me owned the restaurant with her husband, Taylor.

The black Escalade was in the same spot it had dropped us off in, making me wonder, had the driver waited the almost 2 hours we were inside?

Dalton holds open the door and I hop up, he follows in behind me and closing it behind him. The driver doesn't take off and we sit there.

"Where to?" He asks, but I realize he's looking at me for the answer.

I don't want him to drop me at home where I'll have to say goodbye to him. Not yet. "We can go back to your place," I started, drawing him in closer to me. "But we're not having sex after our first date."

His hazel eyes sparkled and he wrapped his long arms around my waist, enclosing the space between us so I was leaning into him. I melted into his embrace, closing my eyes as I laid my head back against his firm chest.

The man in the drivers seat, chuckled as he shifted to drive and we started down the road. "I like her Mr. Baker." He says looking back at Dalton in the rear view mirror through the opened window panel.

The scruff of his rough chin rested next to my ear and he says, "I do too." I can feel his smile on my cheek as he kisses my hair. I have never liked being kissed anywhere other than my lips, but this man could kiss me anywhere on my entire body and I would melt into a puddle of gooey bliss. I've never wanted a man's touch and lips to nuzzle me the way Dalton is cradling me right now. I linked the arm that was already around me with my fingers, locking in with his, holding him closer, if it were possible.

I tilted my head back so our lips were less than an inch away. He took the lead and pressed his lips to mine, sparks and fireworks exploding in my head. His lips were velvety and soft, but he was being hesitant, possibly with company in the vehicle.

The colorful and bright fluorescent lights invade through the blacked out windows, traveling and fading across our faces as we drove through the Power and Light District. This was the hot spot to be in all of Kansas City, the night-life and glamour, I'd never really been out this way often unless it was for a concert that Mel dragged me to.

We pull up in front of the One Light sky rise luxury apartments. I gaze to the top of the sleek and sophisticated mirrorized building as it reflected all of the lights of the city night.

"Of course you would live here," I say to him as he's helping me down from the large step.

"Hey now, I only just moved in couple months ago," he smiles wide, the city lights shine in the depths of his mesmerizing hazel orbs. "My teammate Austin helped put in a good word for me when the other penthouse apartment became available." He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in close. "Come on, I'll show you."

He waved goodbye to the driver, who takes off down Main and turns out of sight. We walk though the tall all-glass doors into a cozy and quiet lounge area with a long marbled desk and workers in suited uniforms. They all acknowledge Dalton as we walk past them to the elevators just past the front desk. He never lets me go, even holding on with one hand as the other pushes the arrow button pointing up.

We wait and Dalton's arms tighten around my slender frame as he brings me into a hug. His small but innocent gestures have my heart fluttering inside my chest.

An older couple step off the elevator and nod to us politely as we step in past them. Dalton's long finger pressed the PH button and then he swiped his key with a tiny black oval over the panel next to the array of floor buttons. The panel went from a red light and blinked green just as the doors closed and the elevator headed to his floor.

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