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"who's wedding anniversary is it?" rih asked jokingly as i ran my fingers through my hair
"right, you'd think this bitch was celebrating something the way she's getting all nice and dressed up" bey chimed in. i usually would ignore them but i did have celebrating to do.
"i do have something to celebrate little do y'all know." i continued to stare in Bey's full length floor mirror up against her bedrooms wall.
"and that is?" bey hung her head and looked at me through the mirror.
"please don't be pregnant....." i heard rih whisper.
"uh? do you know who i am?" i scolded rih through the mirror.
"yeah, i do and i'm tired of going with you to the clinic those protesters are very mean" she sighed and both bey and i busted out laughing.
"uh un bitch cause i only been to the clinic like 3 or 4 times the other 6 or 8 times was for your ass" i said in between laughs.
"no, 2 were for bey-"
"i've never had an abortion might i correct yall" she sucked her teeth.
"umm ma'am? i've only had 2 abortions the other 2 times for me were for chlamydia that's why i stopped fucking leon's ass cause he's not sanitary" i defended myself.
"damn, i had 6 abortions and the other 2 were for chlamydia" rih bit her lip thinking aimlessly
"girl?" bey looked at her in confusion.
"yeah, but i'm the wild one? the only reason i had the 1st abortion was because of complications i'd have going forward and the second time is when i had chlamydia and it was leon's and i wasn't gone even put myself through that type of hell" i scoffed "you need to stop fucking raw" i pointed at her through the mirror.
"what's crazy is all those times she was getting abortions we thought it was because she didn't want kids with ali but whole time she was fucking jay and didn't tell us. she probably only does this because she doesn't know who the daddy is" bey shook her head.
"yup, i don't need a light skin baby when my husband is dark...and i'm brown-"
"uh un you better blame it on genetics, i'm tryna tell you. my daddy is borderline dark skin and my mom is borderline dark skin like she's a dark brown skin like it really depends and here i am? a very light brown skin. genetics play too much" i turned and went and sat next to bey on the edge of the bed.