first day of preschool :D

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Paul- you get dropped off at school with a nervous/brave feeling you look at the small school building  then you bravely start walking in you go in "hello you must be Y/N mcacartney come on in i'm ms.emila ! "she said hapily you walked in you saw some other kids you saw a group of girls playing with their dolls  you walked over and played with them it looked like preschool wasn,t gonna be so bad after all

john- you skipped preschool

Ringo- you walk to school with your dad feeling very nervous when you go into the building "hello!" your teacher says brightly "i'm Miss.Jas  whats your name?" you hesitate then after a minute you say "I-im Y/N Starr" you clutch your teddy bear and shuffle your feet your teacher then guides you to the carpet where you play with your toys by the end of the day when your dad comes to see you, you jump into his arms and tell him all about it on the way home

George-you walk to school with your mum (George was at the studio and almost cried when he had to go) feeling very brave when you get there you run in, "hello who are y-" you cut your teacher off "Hello! i'm Y/N Harrison!"you say brightly "well aren't you energetic come on in!' she responds you look around its so colorful you run in and join some other kid at the arts and crafts table at the end of the day you show your dad the catapillar you made and tell him all about it 

A/N thanks for reading and wow almost sixty views! thanks so much for reading till next time my coconuts

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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