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The door slammed shut. Other Wybie pressed his hand against it, breathing heavily. It was over. He did it. She got away.
He felt the fibres of his body go stiff at the sound of her cold, heartless voice. He shakily stood to his feet and turned around to look straight at his creator. He might have let his fear of her control him in the past but no longer. He looked straight into her black button eyes, similar to his own, and frowned.
"You horrible, useless, brat." She growled, "You'll regret this."
His head shook back and forth, slowly. No. He wouldn't regret this. He never would. Even as she grabbed him by the arm, nails digging into him and lifting him into the air, he regretted nothing. Even as she dragged him back to her workshop and stomped on his open arm, causing some sand to leak onto the floor. Even as she continued to throw him around like the useless tool he was... no regret. Because even though he felt life leaving him, the only thought that crossed his mind was:
She's safe...
And that was what was important. Because Coraline was important. He wasn't. Important.
... Why was this taking so long? He thought to himself.
The Mother had left, he noticed. He seemed to have blacked out for a bit but... why had he only blacked out? Why was he still alive? Was he going to torcher him? And what was that faint tugging at his arm?
It was painful, but he forced his button eyes to begin functioning again. He stared up at the blurry shape of a person. But it wasn't her. His eyes focused onto the sight of the Other Father. But he was slightly off. His hair was green and his skin and body seemed to sag. The orange tint and wilted look of his skin made him seem like he was rotting. But Other Wybie knew what it really was. With all the strength he could muster, he lifted his left hand and ran it through his hair. It felt less like hair and more like... he plucked a strand out of his head and held it in front of his face. Yarn. They were reverting back to their true forms. He found some sort of peace in that. That they were fading because SHE was fading. Soon she would never be able to hurt anyone ever again.
"I know, son." The Other Father spoke. His voice was getting deeper, "I don't like it either."
He must have seen the way his face twitched in disgust. It was true that he was happy the Beldam was fading, but no one particularly enjoyed the fact that their flesh was turning to fabric. He blinked and looked closer at his hand that was, indeed starting to look more like it had been weaved rather than grown. But it only just dawned on him that he could notice this because his glove was gone. Actually, all his clothes were gone and he had instead been covered in a blanket by the Other Father.
What was happening. He turned to the other creation. The man was leaning over him and scooping the filling he'd lost back into his open arm. He'd just about finished  and was now starting to tie it off, giving him a sausage-like stump.
"That should keep you patched up for now." The Other Father spoke.
His arms slid under Other Wybie's legs and behind his back before lifting him off the ground. Other Father wasn't nearly as tall as he remembered. It appeared his body was sagging even more than he'd thought. Wybie looked up so that his buttons were staring into his. A clear question in his eyes:
Why? How?
"She didn't have time to get rid of you." Other Father told him as he carried him out of the room.
Didn't have time? She should have all the time in the world. Coraline got away.
The man sighed.
"Coraline might have gotten away but she'll come back."
Why?! He wanted to scream, Why in the world would she come back here!?
The Other Father stopped walking for just a moment and turned his head to look at the mantelpiece. Other Wybie looked as well to see a snow globe sitting on it. A snowglobe that he saw the faces of Mr and Mrs Jones inside. Trapped. She took Coraline's parents. To lure her back.
Mind in utter panic, Other Wybie limply reached for it but the Other Father continued to walk away from it.
"There's nothing you can do for her anymore." He told him, "We can only hope that she's strong enough on her own."
If buttons could cry, he'd be weeping right now. But since he couldn't, he just curled into the Other Father's chest and shook, pathetically. He failed.
They continued walking for quite some time. Eventually, the Other Father leaned down. Other Wybie turned to look at what he was doing and saw the man push against a place in the wall until it gave out. Behind the false panel was a tunnel. A big one. What was this?
The Other Father placed the other creation on the floor and pushed him forwards.
"Take this tunnel and go as far as you can." He told him, "She won't be able to reach you from here."
Other Wybie's eyes widened. Was he saving him? Why? Why was he worth saving? He tugged at the Other Father's sleeve just as Coraline had done to him.
Come with me.
It took a moment for him to realize what the boy was saying but when he did, he shook his head.
"Coraline is still in danger." He told him, "You've done your part to keep her safe. My part isn't done yet."
He gently pried his hand off and pushed him further inside the tunnel. Other Wybie looked at him in utter heartbreak. The boy threw his arms around the man's neck and hugged him as tightly as he could with his limited strength. Then he looked into the Other Father's buttons with a determined expression.
I'll come back for you. He promised.
And then he slipped into the tunnel and started to walk away from the only place he'd ever known, clutching a raggedy blanket to his body with the only hand he had.
I believe in you, Coraline. I know you can beat her.

Coraline 2: The ones who were left behindWhere stories live. Discover now