Date: 17th July, 2028
Time: 20:34Location: North sea, near Germany
Objective: Meet up with the 2nd and 4th frigate squadron.The brand new Frigate "Dresden" of the F126-class has been put into service by the German navy and is currently on its way to its first mission to meet up with ships from the 2nd and 4th frigate squadron from Einsatzflottille 2 (Mission Flotilla 2) after some delays.
First Officer: Kapitän? Captain?)
Frigate Captain: Ja? (Yes?)
First Officer: Wie lang wird die reise zum Mittleren Osten dauern? (How long will the trip to the middle east take?)
Frigate Captain: Es wird nicht lange dauern, wir werden in 2 Wochen da sein. (It wont take long, we will be there in 2 weeks.)
First Officer: Verstanden. (Understood.)
Technician: Uhhh... Herr Kapitän? Könnten sie herkommen und sich das ansehen? (Uhhh... Captain? Could you please come and take a look at this?)
Frigate Captain: Was ist den? (What is it?)
Radar Operator: Ein riesiger Sturm ist plötzlich auf dem Radar aufgetaucht und... er scheint sich in unsere Richtung zu bewegen. (A giant storm has suddenly appeared on the radar and... it seems to be heading in our direction.)
Frigate Captain: Sind sie sich sicher? Überprüfen sie das Radar, es muss wohl eine Fehlfunktion haben. (Are you sure? Check the radar, it must be a malfuction.)
Technician: Verstanden. (Understood.)
Frigate Captain: Und? Haben sie irgendwelche Fehlfunktionen endeckt? (And? Did you find any malfunctions?)
Technician: Nein, Herr Kapitän. Das Radar funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich weiß auch nicht was los ist. (No, Captain. The radar is functioning perfectly. I dont know whats going on.)
Radio Operator: Kapitän, das Geschwader hat den Kurs wegen dem Sturm geändert. (Captain, the squadron changed its course due to the storm.)
Frigate Captain: Den Kurs ändern. (Change the course.)
Radio Operator: Kapitän! Ich glaube da ist etwas im Sturm! (Captain, I think there is something in the storm.)
Frigate Captain: Was zur...!? Das ist unmöglich! (What the...!? Thats impossible!)
First Officer: *looking through binoculars* Warte mal, ich glaube ich sehe es! (Wait, I think I see it!)
Frigate Captain: Was sehen sie? (What do you see?)
The First Officer pointed at something in the storm, they could barely see it, but it seemed very small. Looking closer it seemed to be... a floating person!? Suddenly a bright glow appeared right next to that person and flew towards the ship and hit it, destroying the helipad of the ship.
Frigate Captain: Schadensbericht! (Damage report!)
Radio Operator: Der Helikopterlandeplatz mit den Helikoptern und Drohnen wurden zerstört! Ein paar der Motoren sind auch beschädigt! (The Helipad with the helicopter and drones got destroyed! Some of the engines are also damaged!)
First Officer: Kapitän, was sind ihre Befehle!? (Captain, what are your orders!?)
Frigate Captain: Feuer eröffnen!!! (Open fire!!!)
First Officer: Mit welchen Waffen!? (With what weapons!?)
Frigate Captain: Mit Allen!!! (With all of them!!!)
The MKS 180 in Azur Lane (OC x Azur Lane) [Restarted] - [SLOW UPDATES]
RandomJuly 11th, 2028 the German Navy puts the brand new MKS 180 Frigate into service, but on its first mission something goes terribly wrong and he finds himself in a new world... Note: This is my first time writing something, so expect some errors and t...