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First before the next chapter! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADZAWA!!!!!

Mentions of depression, Touch starvation, and self harm.


Iida was walking back from U.A after forgetting his book-bag. He was close to the dorms when he saw Monoma crying into his knees outside the dorms.

Iida being the gentleman he is, went over to him and sat down.

"Monoma what's the matter?" He asked putting a comforting hand on the blond's shoulder.

"Oh, hey, I just don't know what to do anymore." Monoma says leaning his head back against the wall.

'Come on, let's go inside and we can talk with the others." Iida said softly. Monoma nodded and let Iida guide him inside as he had his head down.

The others saw Monoma's tears dripping from his chin and instantly went to get the comfort blanket as Iida guided him to the couch and sat him down as Todoroki came back with the comfort blanket and wrapped it around Monoma.

Everyone sat down and waited for Neito (Monoma) to start.

"So, don't tell anyone about this." He starts. "Of course it's just between us." Jirou says. Everyone nodding in confirmation.

"Well, as you know, me and Kendo were dating. But I had a secret from her. My depression. I was clean from cutting for a year. But, when I told her about my depression she started acting different. I didn't think anything of it at first. Maybe she needed time to process it. But today during last period I found her kissing some random guy behind the school. I ran away and that's when I relapsed. I was getting better but now I don't know. " Monoma informs them.

They automatically went into protective mode. Half the class left to go "Handle" Kendo and the rest comforted Monoma and Satou made cookies and Kouda let him snuggle his bunny.

"Hey , Monoma, Don't worry we'll be here for you no matter what. You're amazing. " Izuku said hugging the now sobbing boy.

"Thank you." He said between sniffles as he hugged Izuku back desperately. Izuku was patient. He knew what it felt like to have depression and to just want somebody to help.

Izuku tried to pull away but Monoma shook his head clinging to Izuku tighter. "Monoma are you touch starved?" Izuku whispered getting a nod from the desperate blond in his arms.

"It's ok, me too." Izuku said sitting next to the blond and pulling him to his chest. Neito smiled and snuggled into his chest.

A couple minutes later Satou came back and handed each of them a cookie and gave them a small kiss on the forehead and sat down.

After they ate the cookie Monoma started getting sleepy. He struggled to stay awake then just let himself be consumed by the thing we don't want to do but when we wake up want more of which we call sleep.

The other 1-A kids

Once the other students left they marched to the 1-b dorms and saw Kendo on the couch on her phone.

Bakugou ran up to her and snatched and blew up her phone. "Hey!" She screeched. "HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON NEITO LIKE THAT!!" Bakugou screamed.

"Tsk. He's a useless excuse for a human being!" She said in a venomous tone.

Kirishima had to hold Bakugou back from beating her ass. Bakugou was about to throw the #1 rule out the window. 'Don't put your hands on a woman'

"Come on let's just go. We'll treat him right, okay?" Kirishima whispered in his ear. Bakugou nodded and let Kirishima guide him and everyone else out.

Kirishima was fuming as well but didn't show it on his face.

Once they got back to their dormitory they found Monoma in Izuku's arms as Izuku who looked half asleep running his fingers through Monoma's hair.

Finally Izuku fell asleep. Everyone decided since it was Friday they could sleep in the common room. So that's what they did.

They were gonna make sure Monoma was treated how he deserved to be treated.

They were gonna make sure Monoma was treated how he deserved to be treated

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