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Boruto pov

Ever since the incident in the hidden stone he's been different. Not in like a bad way but he seems happier. It makes me happy. I'll admit ever since then he pretty much sticks to me like glue, not that I'm mad about it. Now I just know him more. Before, I almost didn't know him at all, but that's all changed now.

"Boruto." I looked up, Mitsuki called my attention away from my thoughts. I looked at his soft eyes.

"What is it Mitsuki?" I asked the snake-like boy. To put it simply, Mitsukis everything but ordinary, from his snow white skin to his snake-like features. I know he's not 100% human, but it doesn't matter, etherway, I care for him. He's my friend... yeah, my friend

"You seem lost in thought, is something wrong?" I glanced to the side looking out the window to the bright and early morning. The village had kids and adults running around every corner, but other than that it was quiet and peaceful. Dad said that it's been like this for a long time ever since the 4th great ninja war ended, where my father and mother fought against some of the most powerful beings in the universe. I wonder what it was like back then. I turn my attention back to Mitsuki, giving him a smile of reassurance.

"No, nothing's wrong, I was just thinking about the past." I explained, I leant my arms over the table we were seated at. we were getting lunch at my favorite restaurant, Thunder Burger, we had just gotten back from another silly D-rank mission of helping a farmer dig up weeds to set in fresh crops. I was still waiting on the burger I ordered, like usual Mitsuki hadn't ordered anything. "Y-you sure you don't want anything?" I asked shyly, examining his figure. 

He was wearing his same old dress, his blue kimono which was parted by two shades of blue on each side, a darker yale blue on his left, on his right was almost like a stonish blue color. underneath, was a black long sleeved shirt that wrapped around his thumbs and partially on his palms. on top he had a brown belt wrapping around his stomach holding his kamono in place. He had on grey sweats and black shoes. looking more to his facial area, his hair was a maya blue, it was shaggy but wavy and smooth looking. his skin was white as snow and looked soft almost like a baby's. his whole fasic contradicted with his eye color, which was a bright golden yellow.

"Boruto, you know I don't have to eat." He reminded me, giggling throughout the sentence. I snapped out of my trance and refocused on the conversation.

"B-but still, it's creepy when you just watch me eat." I clarified, avoiding his golden gaze, I was really embarrassed to admit it was weird to sit in silence while he watched me with the same squinty eyed smile he always had embedded into his face, I just didn't want to offend him or anything like that.

He giggled before speaking, "Sorry, I'll just have some of your food, if that's ok with you, Boruto." he smiled softly with closed eyes.

"Fine." I huffed, even though I was satisfied that I got him to actually eat for once. The waitress then came up to us and handed me my meal, well, actually our meal now. I thanked her as she walked off. I slid the tray in the middle of the table as the two of us munched on fries and talked about, well, whatever came to mind.

"Want me to walk you home?" Mitsuki asked with another soft smile.

"Of course, you don't even have to ask."

Mitsuki pov

As we walked down Boruto's street I started feeling anxious. I know it's kind of pathetic but, I don't like leaving his side. I feel alone without him. After all, he is my sun. As we near his house my anxiety grows even further. Sadly, I have to ignore these feelings. We get to his doorstep and I look into his eyes for one last glance. He smiles at me. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said, slowly stepping into his house.

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