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" I miss you so much," Bright said, alone in the corner of his room, crying an ocean in the dark.

"I miss everything about you,"
"I wish we had more time together," he said in between his tears,

Win's body odour is still lingering in the room where they used to cuddle each other,

Where they would spend their friday nights,

Where love was marked,

Where every corner has it's own memory of Bright and Win.

Bright never expected that this day would come,
The day where he can no longer hold him,
They made a promise,
Win, made the promise,

" Let us not leave each other's side,
let us stay till the world falls apart,
promise me you'll never leave me Bright,
promise me,"

Win's words are echoing in Bright's head,

"I promise, bunny.." Bright whispered before crying himself to sleep,

That's when it starts to happen,

Bright would often caught himself lucid dreaming (dream controlling),

but this time it's different,

"Bright.." the other persona in the dream called,

A tall silhouette was seen from a distance,

Bright walk slowly towards the figure,
Slowly gaining full sight of the subject who called him,

"Vachirawit," The man said again,

After the call, Bright froze,
He knows it's a dream,
but he don't want this dream to end,

"W-Wi-Win?" Bright stutters in tears,

A tall man standing before him,
well combed hair and wearing a full white outfit, better than the ones he was wearing at the hospital,
it's been a while since he last saw Win in this condition,
Smiling so bright, showing his bunny teeth, and shrinking his eyes,

The man lets out his hand to reach for Bright's,
Bright found himself crying harder and harder,

As Bright was about to hold Win's hand,
He woke up.

It felt so real,
I miss him, I MISS HIM SO MUCH,


4 months ago

Sitting on the hospital bed was Win,
wearing a worn out hospital clothing,
All pale,
So thin,
But still managed to be so vibrant around Bright, who is sitting on the side of the bed caressing his hand,

The 21 year old man was diagnosed with leukaemia, a blood cancer caused by the rise in the number of white blood cells in his body,
The doctor said that the disease runs in genetic, and unfortunately,
it's Win's turn to face it,

It's been a month since he was diagnosed,
and he is now being monitored in the hospital as he kept on passing out in the middle of the day,

Bright was obviously worried about his boyfriend's well-being,
but he tries his best to be strong,
and hold on to Win no matter what,

Win is currently eating a bowl of congee bought by Bright from his favourite restaurant in town,

"Win, eat slowly na, the food won't go anywhere" Bright said as he takes the spoon from Win's hand,

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