(A/N: another fluff!~ hehe. Enjoy guys!~)
"Please..just..think about it..I can wait." He told me as we both stand up. "Don't hate me..please.." He added. My mind was blank and I can't even think straight. "See you." That's the only words that came out my mouth before walking out the pizzeria, and back at house. As I walk, I started thinking. As a girl, Mike loves me and Foxy's interested to me, but as a boy, Bonnie and Freddy wants me. Dang, too emotions for one 'innocent' cursed girl to handle. I then hit my head a couple of times. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I yelled to no one but me. The people around me probably thinks I'm crazy or some shit but they never knew the feeling.
I got back at home and changed my clothes because it's nearly my night shift. Although, I'm wearing shorts and nearly oversized shirt because I don't give a darn anymore, plus uncle somehow agrees I can wear what ever I wanted. It's not that I'm going to turn into a male, not I expect to be. Uncle also said i should be wearing thats allowed for boys and girls. Fair enough. He actually knew about my gender secret so yeah. I started walking back to the Freddy pizzeria, eating a lolly with energy drinks at my bag because I really didn't get enough sleep.
12 AM
Soon I arrived and sat down lazily, placing both my feet on the table and lean back. I sighed loudly and don't even bother checking lights or the cameras because no more souls wanted to kill me, not that they will because they're my friends, plus no animatronic probably even bothering to check or kill me. Oh well. The phone soon rang and I picked up the phone this time. "Hello, please do not call me again because if you do I'll stalk you whoever you are and stab you from your ass to your heart." I said through the line and quickly end it by putting the phone down.
I laughed at this. For some odd reason, threatening people who messed up with me or anyone I knew makes me laugh, specially when they're scared of me now or not wanting to talk to me. The building was so quiet I've heard my laugh echoed through the hallways. I laugh more. It's just funny and I can't stop it. I stopped when I heard footsteps coming towards my office and I stopped before I saw Foxy peeking in. "Lass, why ye wearing different clothes?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. "What? Is something wrong with it?" I asked and he shakes his head.
He walked in and lean in against the table just beside my foot. "So what're you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms as I rose an eyebrow, waiting for his answer. "Ah, nothin' lass, me just bored at pirates cove." He said simply with a grin, making me smile. Soon after that, we've been talking nearly nonstop. We laugh and laugh that I never even knew what time it was, but I don't care. He was soon starting to get strange and acting weird. "Lass..me need to tell you somethin'" he said. "Sure thing, go ahead." I said with a smile, which seems to calm him a bit.
1 AM
He walked up to me and this makes me put my foot down, although what he did shock me. He placed a hand on my side while the hook was on the other, trapping me. I look up at him with confusion and he was looking down at me. He leaned up to my face slowly and I blushed darkly. Oh no. He leaned in closer and I flinched, looking down a bit. This shocks him and brought his hand to my cheek, pulling my head back up to look at him and he took this opportunity to kiss me. I don't want to disappoint him so I kissed him back. He put his hook around my waist, pulling me to him, making my pressed my body against him. I opened my mouth to take a breath in but he just took this chance to slip his tongue in, invading my mouth. I groan softly when I realise what position I am in.
Sitting down on the chair, of course, with my legs surprisingly spread open while he was between them, kissing me with his hook on my waist while his hand was on my cheek. I soon slip my tongue in, feeling tingly all the sudden. This is bad..i felt him tilts his head to get the kiss deepen but then he slowly pulling away, leaving a trail of saliva between our mouths. I was panting heavily and don't know what to think anymore. "I love ye, lass, please do understand.." He mumbled and I blushed darker.
He then started kissing me on the neck, like what Bonnie did, although he was quicker to find my sweet spot. His hook on my waist went up making my shirt lift up, showing up my bare skin on the side and half of my stomach. I blushed darkly and have no idea what I'm going to do with my hands. "Ah..~ Foxy.." I mewled when he bit my sweet spot as he glide his hook on my soft skin, making my back arch. He pulled away and this makes me confused. I was enjoying that. Such tease..
2 AM
He close both doors, completely trapping me, as well as not getting disturbed by someone. He went back to me and kisses me again, I immediately kisses him back. My hands then wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. He soon pulled away and lifted my shirt more showing him my chest. This is embarrassing and it makes me pull my shirt down, not good. Not good at all. He chuckled and grabbed my hands, pulling them away and holding them, my fingers were intertwine with his while of course, I'm holding onto his hook. I found it cute for some reason. "No need to hide anythin' from me lass, ye'r beautiful whatever ye wear, inside and out." He kissed my forehead and smiled. Never been someone told me that, not even mom, since she saw me like a guy.
I pulled him into a tight hug and he hugged me back. With this, I just realise my feelings for him grew more that the first day I've met him. We pulled away and he kissed me once again, slipping his tongue in almost immediately and I did the same. He then started started grinding his body to mine, mostly his hips to mine, feeling the growing sensation on his crotch. His hand went to my waist and draws circles on my bare skin under my shirt. It felt nice and tingly at the same time, probably because he's like giving me a small massage. I started loosing air so I slowly pulled away, he did the same. I breath heavily and look at his lustful eyes with my hazy one.
He chuckled at my expression. Stupid foxy. He started kissing my neck and this time, I gave him more space by tilting my head. I felt him making a hickey, a big one too, making me groan. He pulled away and started taking his shirt off. I looked up and down to his muscular torso, seeing how he has perfect ripped six pack and toned chest. Not to mention his body was in perfect shape and sexy too. Didn't I mention that earlier before? Probably. I'm starting to get worried though. He wanted to have sex with me and he probably didn't know about protection, well duh, pirates back at the day. My body was telling me of wanting him but my brain's stopping it from doing so.
3 AM
When he tries kissing me, I flinched. I don't really know anymore. My brain took over everything and now telling me to stop my body so I did. "Lass, are ye scared?" He asked and I looked away. "Crystal, me know ye are but there's no need to worry about, me won't hurt ye, me promise." He places his hand on my cheek and when he tried lifting my head up, I just look away again and draw my hands from him. It's actually too much for me to handle. Then he said something he probably noticed and finally saw at me.
"Ye like Mikey, aren't ye?"

Cursed (FNAF x reader)
RandomA story about a girl being cursed with a family who likes to travel, of course, she's with them. Her family knew but her other friends? They don't. The curse was simple yet somehow got into trouble sometimes. Every sneeze changes the girl, Crystal...