Chapter Three: Incognito

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They were led towards Gym Gamma, the humongous gym where the UA students would train with their quirks from time to time. 

Izuku walked around with a fake calm expression plastered on his face. He was panicking on the inside and fighting the urge not to start mumbling his thoughts out loud. As he was distracted by  his thoughts all flying through his brain, he bumped into someone.

Without paying too much attention, he quickly apologized before following half of his classmates before him. Before he could leave, the student he bumped into yanked his shirt.

"Damn it, Icy Hot! Don't bump into me again you extra!" The infamous Bakugo Katsuki or "Kacchan" snared at Izuku as he stared into Izuku's multicolored eyes.

"Sorry Ka- Bakugo." Izuku sweat dropped as Bakugo put him down. While Izuku walked away, Izuku felt Bakugo's crimson red eyes on his back. Is he staring at me?

Bakugo knitted his eyebrows, he was deep in thought. That bastard. . . apologized? Something seems off. The blonde scoffed as he cleared his mind, his observant thoughts being replaced with cocky ones. Whatever. I'll beat them all in the Gym.

The Students all walked inside to see the large gym and it's many rocks and pillars where they would usually practice their quirks. 

Shoto walked over to Izuku rather quickly, not wanting to attract any attention to themselves. "Midoriya, we'll have to use eachother's quirks. Hopefully, Mr. Aizawa doesn't-"

"You will be brawling amongst each other using your quirks. I will assign you your brawling partner." Mr. Aizawa began to pair up random students with one another.

"Todoroki! How will we use each other's quirks if we don't know how to use them!" Izuku whispered rather loudly in a panicked tone as Mr. Aizawa began to walk towards them.

"We'll have to figure it out amongst ourselves, My quirk can be complex but imagining the temperatures for the left and right sides is a good start-" Todoroki stopped speaking as Aizawa reached them.

"Midoriya," Aizawa spoke, making Izuku in Shoto's body flinch. "You will be against Asui. Todorki, you will be against Kirishima." 

Izuku realized that he was against Kirishima. That. . . is actually a good thing. If I accidentally mess up with my quirk, Kirishima could use his hardening to defend himself. I don't want to hurt him. Izuku looked over at Kirishima who grinned at him with a determined face. 

Izuku looked down at Shoto and nodded at him as he wore the same serious expression that he usually wore on Izuku's face. "Let's go."


First up was Shoto vs. Kirishima (aka. Izuku vs. Kirishima). 

Izuku stood there in between the rocky terrain with a serious face but on the inside he was panicking. Kirishima was stretching before Izuku as Aizawa called to begin. 

Kirishima ran towards Izuku with a determined grin. He flared his nostrils before aiming for a punch. Izuku dodged it without using Shoto's quirk. I can't use it. What if I mess up and hurt someone with his quirk? I have to use it though. . .

Kirishima kept punching the air in front of Izuku while he kept dodging. 

"Come on, Icy Hot! Why aren't you using your damn quirk?!" Bakugo shouted with a hint of annoyance in his tone. His comment made the rest of the students think about the situation.

"Bakugo's right! Todoroki isn't using his quirk at all?" Kaminari tilted his head with confusion. 

"Maybe he wants to train his body without using his quirk?" Yayorouzu suggested while putting her finger on her chin.

Shoto watched from the sidelines along with his classmates. Once he noticed Izuku looking at him, he nodded. Use my quirk, Midoriya. It's the only way. 

Izuku understood what Shoto meant with the nod. He stood firmly on the ground before clenching his fists. He gulped. "Here goes." He lifted his right foot a few inches in the air before stomping on the floor with force. 

Almost immediately, ice shot out of the ground and trapped Kirishima in the ice. He struggled to get free and even tried to use his hardening quirk to break the ice trapping him. "Wow Todoroki! You're strong for sure."

"Thank you." Izuku spoke with Shoto's usual calm expression. He's right, I didn't even try to hard on trying to make so much ice and yet the ice is nearly reaching the ceiling. Izuku turned around to see his classmate's reactions.

"Way to go, Todoroki!" Uraraka cheered.

"You sure are surpassing all of us with that quirk of yours." Ida told him while chopping the air with his firm hand. 

Shoto smiled softly at him. "Good job, Todoroki."

Bakugo growled before noticing how Midoriya was acting. The nerd isn't even congratulating him with enthusiasm. Nor is he writing down his moves in his notebook-- HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE HIS NOTEBOOK?! 

The classmates cheered on for their other friends who battled each other. Bakugo had already gone and won against his opponent. He walked up to Shoto and Izuku who were both talking to eachother a bit more secluded from the rest of the class. 

"Hey, extras." Bakugo walked up to them, not caring if he interrupted their conversation. "Their is something strange going on with you two."

"What do you mean?" Shoto spoke as Midoriya. 

Izuku began to shake a little. He tried his best to hide his nervous expression. 

"You two switched bodies, didn't you?"

(A/N: I hope you like this chapter! Peace out!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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