Chapter Eight -Zach

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The music blasting from my earbuds protects me from my tormentors.

The group of Matthew's so-called friends sitting in the back of the classroom keep throwing paper balls and small things at me. I used to snap at them but they'd just laugh harder and continue tormenting me. Now I just block them out with music. It works, some of time. Because of them I loathe fifth period. They never make my life miserable in front of Matthew. Cowards, all of them.  The teacher never notices either. Like now, he either in the restroom or his back is turned when they boys zero in on me. I can't believe there used to be a time I called two of them friends.

The teacher returns and class begins. I stop my music and take out my earbuds. The worse has stopped but it isn't over. Not yet. I peek at the clock. Only two more hours, two more classes, until school is over.

Thanks to a pop quiz, class goes on mostly without a hitch. Although, one of the guys did jostle my desk as he passed me to get the pencil sharpener. That happened times, each time with a different guy.

I pack my stuff before the bell rings, as soon as it does, I'm out of there before any of those boys have a chance to even think about me.

My last class flies by, and I'm walking out of the school building when someone lightly bumps my shoulder. Panic overtakes me for a flash but when I look over, to my surprise and relieve, it's Matthew.

"Hey, Zach." He greets me with a friendly smile.

"Uhh.. Hey." I say awkwardly. I look around for his group of friends. I'm surprised he isn't with them. And don't they have practice today?

"Where are your friends?" I ask cautiously. I know they won't do anything-not with Matthew around-but their presence still makes me nervous. "Don't you have practice today?"

"They're headed to the recreation center," Matthew answers, "I'm going to my grandmother's apartment."

I relax.

"Oh. Does she live around here?" I ask him trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, just up the street, past the park." He points further down the sidewalk over the hill, "She's not blood, but she's family all the same. She gives good advice, something that I really need right now."

I frown, "Why? What's going on?

"Well...I have date." Matthew slowly admit, like he can't believe the words are true.

"With that blonde girl you bumped into?"

"Yeah and I don't know of I'm ready. What if she- what if it-"

I stop him before he could spiral further, "Whoa, is this your first date."

"Yeah," he confesses. I'm surprised jocks like him usually have had several dates by now, some even their first kiss. "We been texting but this is the real deal. I don't know of I can keep her entertained."

"What is it like when you text?"

"It's so easy, especially since you can't directly see her face."

Memories of my first real girlfriend, Veronica, flash in my head. We felt a real couple. Going to the movies. Talking 'til the sun came up. One day we even came to school wearing the same striped socks for Valentine's Day at school. All that ended when she moved away. We tried in touch but we just fell out of love. We broke up this January, it wasn't messy. It was quiet and peaceful, well peaceful for her anyway. I used to see what see up to on Facebook but I eventually gave up. I'll never be in her life again. That a fact.

"Well, I would come up with something you both like to talk about and expand from that. You know, make her feel special. How your friends dated before? Maybe they'll have will more to say."

"Uh, they're not really the type to talk about these stuff. Besides if I say something I'll never hear the end of it. That why I keep talking to you, it's easy. You feel like a real friend." Matthew grimaces as if that was something he didn't mean to say.

I wonder if he meant something deeper.

Piercing the silence, my alarm for work goes off. I only have few minutes to get to work. Not accounting for the time I need to change into my uniform. If I don't leave now, I'll be late.

"Well, thanks for confiding in me, I guess." I say awkwardly, still surprise he chose to talk to me about this stuff. "I gotta go.

"Alright, see ya."

I walk across the street in the direction of Love N' Shake. Matthew continues towards his grandmother's apartment. I wonder if I'd just made a friend.


Much later, it's 8:00, and my shift finally ends. After cleaning my area, I take off my apron and clock out. I throw the plastic apron away and go outside. Across the street I see two figures walking on the sidewalk. They walk arm in arm talking and laughing. Looking closer I realize it's Matthew on his date with Victoria.

I smile and turn to walk home. I imagine image me and Veronica on that date. I wonder what's she doing. Whether she thinks about me from time to time. Has she moved on?

I shake pushed the thoughts. Leaving Matthew and Victoria to their date as I walk home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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