Alter Ego

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Kiyotaka stood out of Makoto's door feeling stupid. What Hiro had said to him had to be fake. Logically speaking there's no way Chihiro was here. It was impossible, but maybe there was a small bit of hope left in him. Gathering his thought Taka stood straight up and knocked on Makoto's door.         

It swung open and there stood Makoto. His eyes lit up seeing Kiyotaka up and moving. "Oh Taka! Wasn't thinking you'd be here. Need help with anything?" Makoto asked peering at the raven haired boy like an excited puppy. "Yes actually.." Taka started trying to keep eye contact with Makoto. "Is it true you can see him? Chihiro, I mean." Makoto's eyes widened in response. He couldn't help but think  how it could be such a bad idea. Kiyotaka had only just started talking since Mondo's death. Makoto looked up in Taka's red eyes. He could see the despair. The heartbreak. The sadness. Yet if you looked close you could see a small spot of hope. Makoto sighed. "Follow me." 

Makoto lead Taka to the bathing house, who seemed to walk like a toy soldier with much too tight joints. Makoto opened up the door for him to come in and he quickly went in without a word. After scanning the room Taka asked in a hush tone "Where is he?" 

The brown haired boy sighed once more before opening up the locker were Alter Ego stayed. "Before you say anything he's just an ai. You talk to him by typing." Makoto said before the other could have a chance to say anything. Taka just simply nodded and moved to the computer. It seemed like he was shaking. As soon as the ai saw Kiyotaka he spoke "Ishimaru! It's wonderful to meet you! I've heard so much about you." Taka carefully typed out what he wanted to say. Making sure to do it right. 'Taka is fine. My friends call me Taka' he typed. Alter Ego's face turned into a smiling Chihiro. "We're friends!! Thank you Taka, but you probably want something from me. Do you have any questions?" He said cheerfully.

Kiyotaka typed slowly. As if regretting talking to the
ai in the first place, until Makoto stepped in "Are you sure you wanna do this, Taka?" He only nodded as he finished typing 'Do you hate me?' Alter Ego's smiled drop as soon as he hit sent. "The others have told me what happened.. surely you feel responsible... just a moment please." What Taka saw stole all the air out of this lungs. Chihiro's face was replaced with Mondo with a sad look on his face. "Don't blame yourself for my mistakes, bro. You got this! Don't let those fuckers down! You gotta live on, for the both of us." Taka felt hot tears running down his face. "M-mondo..?" He croaked. Until Chihiro's face came back on screen.

"I'm sorry. That was the best I could do. Master told me a few things about Mondo. From what he said Mondo was manly, strong, and had a deep liking for Taka!" Alter Ego exclaimed. Kiyotaka was speechless. He couldn't help but stare at the computer. Was this really happening? Possibly a dream? His thoughts were ending by Makoto laying a soft hand on his shoulder.

Quite honestly Makoto looked uncomfortable. Like he'd rather be anywhere else, yet he still tried to comfort Taka. "That's enough for the day alright?" Having only received a blank stare from Kiyotaka he continued "Hiro will bring you some diner, or if you'd like you can join us in the dining hall." Taka barely managed to nod before he got up and left. What a weird day.

Hi!!! This is my first fanfic and I'm not the best with spelling. If there are any mistakes let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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