Rehearsing for Rehearsal

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Your classes for the day are over, and you head to the auditorium with printed copies of the act 2 script in hand, one for each person who requires a copy.

   When you get there, it's 15 minutes early and the area is devoid of students, with the exception of Double Trouble, who is pacing the stage practicing their lines.

  They once told you that they like to 'emotionally become' the roles they played.

   That was evident in the way they currently seemed completely immersed in practicing their lines, hardly noticing their surroundings.

At first, Double Trouble had auditioned for multiple minor roles in the play, explaining that they could shapeshift into different characters, but you vetoed the idea, claiming that they would be a better fit for the more complex character of Captain Starstreak, and for good reason.

   After the first rehearsal, DT themself  had said that the role was a better fit for them, as it was multidimensional and perfect for a multifaceted actrex such as themself. 

   DT took a break from practicing lines about five minutes later, and only then did they seem to notice that you had been watching them.

  Their eyes nearly imperceptibly widened for a split second, but they instantly regained composure, blinking vertically once, then horizontally.

"Hey there, just practicing before rehearsal." They said with a confident grin.

"Rehearsing for rehearsal, DT?" You joke, returning their smile.

"Ah, I guess you could say that, darling." They shrugged casually, their grin fading into a slight smile.

You felt yourself blush when they called you darling, but reminded yourself that they call practically everyone darling. Focus, Y/N, you think to yourself. Don't get distracted by your cliché crush on the lead actrex, even if they are attractive.

  "Well, you're pretty good at this. Sometimes it's like I can't tell whether you're Double Trouble or Captain Starstreak when you're rehearsing." You compliment them, and they seem uncharacteristically nervous for a second.

"Why thank you darling," they take a bow and grin again. "You're not too bad of a scriptwriter yourself." They wink in a grandiose manner, leaving you flustered again.

You made a mental note to figure out whether they winked at everyone who complimented their acting skills.

"Well anyway, rehearsal starts in like 3 minutes, so, um, I'll start setting up props." You manage to say.

"I'll help you." They reply, setting their act 1 script on a nearby stool. Was it just your imagination, or did their voice sound softer than usual? Either way, it was definitely cute.

"I-uh-sure." You stutter out, facing away from DT. Again, you feel yourself blushing.

The two of you set up the props that weren't already onstage, and everyone else involved in the theatre production starts filing into the auditorium, scripts and set or tech materials in hand.

  You pass out the scripts, first giving one to DT. Your fingers brush against theirs and you feel something electric. They smile reassuringly, and you shyly smile back, your pulse skyrocketing.


Actor!Double Trouble(SPOP)x Scriptwriter!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now