Down The Rabbit Hole Again : Chapter one

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"Hey Ty, don't fall asleep now. Class is nearly over" Eaden shakes me.

I lift my head from the desk and stare blankly up at my friends. What were we talking about again? Oh right.

"I've tried everything!" I cry putting my head back down on the desk in defeat.

Jessica bites her lower lip and tilts her head "your dads a party pooper, seriously"

"I don't think party pooper is quite the word I would use..." I mumble.

He's a pain in the ass that's for sure.

I wouldn't go as far as call him a 'dad'. He's never been really good at that. More like my prison. Ever since I was born he's hated every inch of me, my thousands attempt of getting some sign of care from here wash down the drain with my attempts to please him.

I think he just hates me because he wanted a son, like a king expecting an heir just to be given a girl that he'll have to spend his life paying her off to another family.

Ever since mum passed, he's kept me locked away inside my own home. He says I should consider going to school above privilege.

"Do you want us to ask?" Eaden speaks up.

"No!" I say maybe a little to hastily.

If Jessica and Eaden asked, the answer still won't change hell just get madder, and the moment they would leave, he would do bad things I'm not going to explain. It's painful to think about.

"Ok... So no 18th birthday sleep over?" Jessica pouts.

"Sorry guys..."

I don't like letting them down but when my dads involved his word overalls every time, unfair or just plain stupid.

The bell rings ending school and last period. Jessica, Eaden and I all quickly scramble out the class room as if our lives depended on it.

"Jessica can you come back please" the teachers calls from

"RUN! before the teacher remembers to give out homework!" Jess yells.

This would be start the district 12 thing from hunger games, but I seriously don't want homework.

"We'll remember you Jess!" Eaden laughs back tugging me along behind as we make a dash for the exit.

I want to feel bad for leaving Jess behind like that but she volunteered.

"Im going straight home, eat then sleep" I sigh.

"Sounds like a plan" Eaden smiles.

We part ways for the weekend, considering I can't exactly leave the house... Maybe I can try asking one more time this afternoon. I can take what ever comes after ... Maybe. But after yesterday...

"Dad please! I promise I won't go anywhere else just Eadens!" I beg literally on my knees at my dads feet.

"I told you no, you're not leaving this house!" Dad barked.

I get up and sigh in annoyance. It's my eighteenth I haven't been outside freely since mum passed. The weekends we use to spend at the park while dad went out drinking and gambling away our money, I'm surprised were not living in boxes living off absolute shit.

"Just on night, I'll be out of your hair" I'm grasping at straws now.

Dad stops walking away and turns his head slightly just enough so I'm in his sight from behind. He makes me feel as if I'm beneath him, like he's invincible and there's nothing I can do about it.

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