Okay, I just wanted to say that this short story was for a whole different thing(not Wattpad). A contest actually. But I was thinking and was like,"Why not post it on Wattpad??" So, here you go!
If you liked it, please let me know in the comments or leave me a vote of the same importance!
Also, if you want more I am thinking of possibly adding another small few parts to it, just to end it, but that would take me a while and I would only do that if you guys would read it. So, if you want more then leave me a message or comment if so.
Short Story"There is a whole world filled with demons. They spend their days seeking out human beings to draw in and kill, similar to a mouse trap. Our job is to find them and remove them from this world. I'm so very sorry to not be able to tell you this in pe...