Lazy Bones

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I was laying in my bed until chara sat on the bed and woke me up,by shaking me violently.

Y/n:....A little more time.


Y/n:C'mon, five more minutes.

Chara:No,get up comedian!

Papyrus:Brother,I will not have us look bad because of your laziness!

Y/n:Alright,let me just get up.

I slowly got up and stretched,getting ready.

Chara:Hurry up!

Y/n:Alright,don't break my bones.

Chara:Do you ever stop?

Y/n:Not when it comes to you.


I stood up and grabbed my school uniform,I went to the bathroom and lazily got ready. I came out and papyrus and chara each grabbed one of my hands. They began to drag me through the halls while frisk walked behind us.


Frisk:Sleep okay?

Y/n:More or less.

Papyrus:Almost done.

Papyrus walked us into a room where a man was standing at the front of the class,he then dragged me up the stairs of the room.

Y/n:We done?

Papyrus:For now.

Chara:Not like you'll pay attention.

Frisk:That's not nice.

Y/n:Heh,but she's not wrong.

I sat in a seat and put my hood of my jacket over my head,I then put my head down and went to sleep. I woke up when chara tapped on my shoulder,I looked around and saw paps at the front of the class.

Y/n:What's happening?

Frisk:Papyrus is going to fight.

Chara:He'll do well.

Y/n:Yeah,my bro is gonna teach them a lesson.

A boarbatusk was let lose and it charged at my brother,he blocked it and sent it back.

Y/n:Come on bro,don't make this boar-ing!

Papyrus:Curse you,brother!

The boar charged at paps again and he jumped over it,he then kicked the boar's feet and put it on it's side. Then he rolled it onto it's back and stabbed it through the stomach.

Papyrus:I apologize,poor creature.

Y/n:That's my bro,so cool and caring.

Chara:But he's too naive.

Frisk:No,he's just kind.

Y/n:Maybe a little too kind.



Frisk:That was out of character.

Y/n:Nah,my chara-cter is just fine.

Chara:I hate you.

Y/n:No you don't.

Frisk:Yeah,you know you enjoy his company.

Chara:As if!

Papyrus:Did you three see me?! Was I cool!?

Y/n:The coolest bro,like always.

Chara:You did alright.

Frisk:Don't worry,you were great!

Port:Good job everyone,we are out of time and I'll see you all tomorrow.

The four of us walked out of the class and we walked to our next class,it was boring. We got to combat class and,as much as she wanted,chara wasn't picked,but I was. Goodwitch called on a boy named Cardin and he got to pick his opponent,he went with the easiest guy in the room.

Chara:Poor idiot,has no idea what he's fighting.

Papyrus:What do you mean?

Y/n:Nothing paps,she meant nothing.

I went down to the arena and to the lockerroom,I changed into my shirt,hoodie,and jeans. I then took a short cut back to the arena,I then put my hands in my pockets and waited. Cardin got ready and came back,he was ready to beat me into a pulp.

Cardin:Can't wait to beat you.

Y/n(To Self):Remember,you made a promise.

Cardin:What was that?

Y/n:Nothin,just sayin how much of a bird brain you are.Hehehheh.

Cardin:That's it.

Y/n:Someone's wings need to be clipped.

He swung at me and I dodged it.

Y/n:You think I'm just going to take it? That's soaring hopes.

*Chara POV*

The comedain kept dodging each attack,not attacking back once and making puns as he went.

Chara:He really think he's going to hit him?

Frisk:He won't.

Papyrus:My brother may be lazy but he is an excellent dodger.

Chara:And to think he's still going by that promise.


Azzy went to a town close to our mountain home,a quick trip that he wanted to make,we should have never let him go alone. He came back on deaths door,with no way back,the villagers of the town were anti-faunus and attacked Asriel as soon as he got there. We were all mad and dad was going to start a fight but the scariest thing was y/n,the pupils of his eyes were gone and he had a cold presence around him. He left the house,trapping us all inside with his bones, and began to walk to the village. I went out a window and followed him,when I got there I heard screams and yells. I walked into the village and saw that people had been blown to ash and others stabbed by spiked bones,this was the day that Y/n committed his worst sin,Y/n had committed complete genocide against the village. I looked to more screams and saw people being held in the air by their souls,they were then slammed down with a crunch as they were impaled by bones. Y/n killed everything there,man,woman,or child,at the end of the day this is when y/n became the ultimate judge. I followed him back out of the village and as he walked back,not knowing I was behind him,he snapped his fingers and a blaster twice the size of the village came up. It fired and,with a blast so loud my ears wouldn't stop ringing for hours,it wiped out the entire village. I snuck back into the house as y/n uncaged it and walked in,his eyes were still blank. Mom slapped him across the face as frisk had to give a lie to papyrus about what happened,that's when she made him promise that no matter how much he or someone he cared about was hurt he wouldn't fight them. We gave azzy a funeral and told papyrus that the humans there destroyed their own village and left,after that the comedian has never fought another person.

*Flashback end*

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