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(alarm clock beeps, ) Do I wanna even get up, Do I wanna even feel today. well maybe I should get up to see my friends, but what friends do I have after the news about my marriage last night. I'm just gonna get up and go to work, I don't even care what anyone thinks. they don't care about me, maybe I should just kill myself. yeah, that's not gonna happen, people care about me somewhat. even if I'm totally worthless, some people care. so I finally got up for the day and went to work. all of my thoughts and demons were all against me, as I walked into work. all of my friends were staring at me after the news dropped that my husband cheated on me. "hey Gwen, what's up" adam asked me looking worried. "I'm fine, thanks for asking," I said fake smiling.  "oh ok, well see ya later," Adam said walking away. "hey Gwen, hope you have a great day" Pharrell responded as he walked away. Blake didn't say anything and just walked away, as he walked away I got an urge to cut my wrists. I walked in the bathroom and found something sharp. the first cut felt so good, so I kept going and going, I kept going until my wrists bled out all over the floor. I had to try and cover them but the bled all over but I had to get out of the bathroom. I left the bathroom and walked down the hallway and into my trailer. no one was in there so I found some bandaids and wrapped my wrists in them.  ( 20 mins later) as Walked out of the trailer everybody looked concerned about something. "hey adam, what's going on" I asked as I got curious. "someone found blood on the bathroom floor" Adam responded as he looked at my arms. "hey how'd you hurt your wrists" Pharrell asked me. don't worry about it, It's nothing to really be concerned about" I said as I walked away. my phone started ringing and It was a number I didn't know, nor did I wanna answer, but I did.  when I answered my phone it was my sister and she told me that someone was waiting outside my house. when I looked at my cameras I couldn't believe who was at my house. My 15-year-old daughter storm, from a really toxic relationship.

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