Chapter 19

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I take a sip at my cappuccino. We were sat in a small café in a small town just on the outskirts of the city. Alex's piecing blue eyes gazed at me from across the small table. We had been sitting in a comfortable silence for a few minutes now, having run out of light conversation topics. 

We agreed not to talk about anything that happened back at Ace's base. I was trying to move past it all. 

He places his half-filled coffee cup back on its saucer and pushes it to the side of the table. He leans forward, clasping my hands and gently running is fingers over my bruised knuckles. "I know you don't trust me," he begins slowly, glancing down at our hands for a few seconds before meeting my eyes once again. "But you are smart enough to know that we could use this time to our advantage. Ace thinks we are running, biding our time before we make our next move. He would never expect us to retaliate within the same day we escape."

I blink a few times, processing what he was saying. As much as it pains me to admit it, Alex was right. Now - while they are low on numbers, weapons and defenses - would initially be the best time to strike. Although we are just as defenseless, more, actually. We currently have no weapons other than my switchblade and Alex's gun, no plan of action which never usually ends well, no money on us, and no allies. It was quite literally just the two of us against Ace's army of highly trained gang-members. Did I mention no car? I don't think I am physically capable of walking all the way back to Ace's base and running away if we needed to escape.

I brought up these issues to Alex, making it very clear that although he was right, I thought he was a crazy motherfucker trying to get us both killed, but it seemed he had answers to everything. He had a friend who had an uncle who was an illegal arms dealer who owned a private storage unit a few miles away from here. According to his friends uncle, the storage unit contained everything we may need; a car, all sorts of weapons, electronic equipment, safety gear and a whole bunch of other crazy spy things.

The fact that Alex seemed to have completely detailed and explanatory solutions to every single query I raised put me on edge. Something just seemed off. I wasn't sure if it was my lack of trust for him or how he seemed to be trying to bribe me into attending the mission with him, but either way, I didn't like it. 

"You don't even have to trust me. We can do it however you like. C'mon Ivy, you know this is probably the only decent chance you are going to get," Alex continues with a prodding smile. 

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fine. But we are doing this my way. You step out of line once and I will cut off your penis and feed it to you before handing you over to Ace myself," I sneer with a serious expression. I am probably the most stupid, ignorant and oblivious human being in the entire world for trusting this man again, especially with this, but he was right in saying that this is the best shot I've got.

I down the rest of my coffee and stand up, gesturing for him to follow. "Let's go find that storage unit."

We get a taxi to the address that was sent by Alex's friend's uncle and arrive at a grungy looking storage facility with about one hundred separate units inside. We slowly begin to make our way through the isles, searching for the correct container. There was a chilling air to the place and the undeniably creepy silence settling around us, the only sound being our light footsteps.

Alex stops dead in his tracks and I almost crash into him. To our left was a large metal container labeled '78A'. This was it. Alex puts in the four digit code and the padlock springs open and clatters to the floor. My jaw drops at the contents inside the storage unit.

The room literally looked like something out of a spy movie. This was the secret liar that I have been waiting for. It had everything that w could possibly need for our mission. The storage unit was a lot bigger from the inside, stretching back at least eight meters. A shiny black BMW sat in the middle of the container, windows tinted so dark that I couldn't see the interior. I let out a light squeal of excitement and rush to collect my favorite items before Alex could even step into the room. I snatch a grey duffel off the wall and place in a few guns, a set of knives, a few gas bombs, a grenade, a set of paralysis darks and then filled up the rest of the space with guns. Alex had done the same and was peering down at the bench with all the electrical equipment. 

Something shiny in the corner of my eye catches my attention.

It made me wonder why Alex's friend's uncle had a pair of black, heeled boots in his awesome spy liar. In the glass cabinet hitched on the wall sported more than the boots. I snatch down a pair of black trackpants, a tight-fitting, long-sleeved crewneck, a bulletproof vest and a couple of gun holsters for my leg and waist. I sneak behind the car and crouch down, hiding from Alex. I strip down and begin to change. 

I was in the middle of struggling to pull my trackpants over my boots that I stupidly laced up before putting on the pants when Alex clears his throat from behind me. He stood behind me, leaning up against the car, watching me in amusement. "Need a hand?" He chuckled. 

I scoff and shake my head in annoyance at him. He wouldn't be doing any better if he were in this position. 

I finally manage to pull my pants on and they fit perfectly. I finish getting changed and when I turned around again, Alex stood in the same place as before, except he wore a pair of black jeans, a black shirt that fit snugly around his chiseled torso, a jacket lazily draper over his left shoulder and a pair of shining combat boots. 

He biffed my duffle at me and I would like to think that I caught it gracefully... When in reality I got my left arm caught in the strap and the bag plummeted to the floor, taking me along with it. 

Alex jingled the keys in his hand. "You ready yet, Sweetheart?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and stumble towards the passenger door. I chuck my bag over my shoulder into the backseat and Alex does the same. 

Somehow, Alex managed to maneuver the car out of the storage unit and onto the road. How he did that, I don't know. We were on our way to Ace's base. Alex was singing along to Beyoncé and I was busy trying to come up with a solid plan that wouldn't get us killed.

The only advantages we had were that we kind of knew the perimeter and that Ace was down on men, and possibly even had men out searching for us as we speak which makes our job a lot easier. 

But other than that, they had the complete advantage. I had decided that stealth was the best strategy. Ideally, we get in quietly, without causing as much chaos as possible, knock out as many pawns as possible before we make a move on the king. I mean, since there was only two of us, this is pretty much the only way we have a chance at succeeding.

We were nearly there and I had to admit that I was nervous.

. . .

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