Chapter Twenty-Two: Custody

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I tried not to stare at the councilors' faces. Some of them I had served and some of them I had been asked to kill. I flooded my thoughts with what I've seen on the news—the Western Sectors burning, people dying, and Zhouhan men stepping on ruined little bodies. The last one made my fists clench and filled my heart with rage. I let it fuel me. To urge me to take a step forward into the lions' den. I would offer myself bare and let them sink their fangs into me as long as no more children would suffer.

I was a hypocrite. I was deceiving myself.

Jaida watched me with proud eyes as I took a seat on the benches near the wall while some of the councilors' family members claimed the other seats at the back, whispering to themselves. There was a marble fence separating us from the assembled council in the middle of this circular chamber.

Kalixtro sat in silence, observing the long table filled with the most powerful men and women in Corona. His eyes fell on the youngest and newest member of the Supreme Council seated farthest from the apex of the table and smiled to himself as if waiting for Vlad to humiliate himself in front of the chancellor. The twin androids stood guard behind his chair like two beautiful and deadly statues.

Men and women wearing extravagant clothes waited for Chancellor Kamala to commence the meeting. She sat on the high-backed chair with the Chancellor's Crest carved at the top of the backrest. She looked like a queen ready to address her court.

Jaida perched herself on the chancellor's immediate right while a middle-aged man claimed the seat on the immediate left. All of the councilors coveted those seats. It is written as a law that only the two councilors seated closest—those who served the Supreme Council longest—to the chancellor will be the qualified candidates for the next chancellery. One of them would claim the seat of the most powerful person in the entirety of Corona for a decade. Imagine what Jaida would do at that time if she were to replace Chancellor Kamala. I tried not to think of it.

"I would like to apologize, young Councilor Kalnairov, for interfering with an event as important as this. This is your inauguration. You should be celebrating but instead, you're here, fulfilling your duties as a councilor," Chancellor Kamala began, addressing the smiling young member. "Anyway, I congratulate and welcome you to the Supreme Council. I do believe House Kalnairov is in good hands."

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Vlad put his hand on his chest and tipped his head. "No need for apologies. I know Corona is facing threats on two fronts. One from the west and another one from the south. And I will gladly halt my celebration so we can address these issues."

Kalixtro snorted at Vlad's words. But I ignored him, I only stared at Jaida, waiting for her to raise her concern.

"Your father must be very proud of you."

"Yes, Your Excellency. We talked this morning and educated me on how to maneuver through the Supreme Council and the company." His eyes darted on Jaida for a split second, giving her a knowing smirk.

Jaida ignored him, focusing on the woman speaking beside her.

"Without any further ado, the session is now officially in session." The chancellor swiped her hand up and a hologram appeared above the long table. "Tonight, we only have a single agenda: the Zhouhan's advancement through our western borders."

"Your Excellency," Jaida called. My throat caught my breath and my heart beat faster in anticipation. This is it. Renzo sensed my tensed body and placed his hand on top of my shoulders, calming me. I sighed and rested my hand on top of his and muttered my thanks. "I would like to propose a solution to the Council and I hope you would consider it."

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