Frostbites backstory yay

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This au again takes place in the 1870's-1880's so I'm going to try and do my best to stay around that logic

Frostbite was born in Germany in the early 1850's to the early 1860's. I'm the current events of the Au she is 20 years old. She was born into a wealthy farming family. She has only two other older siblings at the time, both being boys. She was soon the middle child after her younger sister and younger brother were born.

The family raised cows and chicken. They also maintained fields of wheat. Each child would be gifted a new task or a harder task to keep on the farm. The eldest boys took care of the fields making sure no rats or birds would be pecking at the wheat. Riding on horseback and having riffles to do so.

The younger girls took care of the cattle and Chickens while the youngest boy was tasked with laundry with the mother. The father were to sell their products and buy feed for the cows and chickens every winter to last until spring.

In that time it was very hard to be a young woman and throughout the years her older brothers favored Frostbite and taught her everything they knew after school for a while before finally taking to the fields with their guns. Frostbite at the time was the only girl in the family that has learned to read and write, not even her mother knew how to.

When she was 14 she was gifted a horse and sometimes went to the fields with her brothers, teaching her how to shoot birds and catch the rats. They would sometimes even sell the bird meat if it wasn't a pigeon or a gull.

At the age of 15, Frostbite and her father were on the way back from the market. On horseback at night. Glowing spits were rising in the distance along with smoke. Both Frostbite and her father raced to their home to only see that it was set ablaze. The fields had been left alone but before long both had gotten out of there with the little stuff they have.

It wouldn't be safe for them to stay with another if the bandits were looking for them. Both heading East for England. With the bags of chicken and cow feed, their horses made it halfway to England before they had ran out of food for them. They were even further from a town or city to get more so the two continued walking on foot, living off the few edible things they found on their journey.

Winter struck for them after they both went to rest. It had been getting cold for a while and her father soon had gotten sick. When they made it to the channel that seperated England to Germany they had the money to get them both across. The trip would take about a week to cross by boat so with other families on the boat, the two played made up games or her father taught her English.

She learned the language quickly but only knew how to speak it, other families had taken notice to the teachings and would either listen in or even help the two with more English. When they had finally gotten to England they had to stay in the streets for a while and sleep in boxes to stay warm and wait out the winter.

Frostbites father had gotten worse with his fever to and passed in his sleep towards the end of winter. Finally being on her own Frostbite learned to snatch food from under peoples noses and to jump walls and fences. Slowly making her way to the heart of England… London, the countries capital.

The sky was darken everyday from the amount of factories in the area. It was hard to breath correctly but it was better than staying on the run back home.

She stayed in the streets for years until the age on 20 and found a flyer in German translation for a factory near the outside of London, soon heading that way to finally work for the first time in years.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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