Chapter 2- Getting the goods

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~Team Soupy,Banana& Kiwi~
"WAIT SOUPY!!" Kiwi screamed. Soupy slammed her foot on the breaks causing Banana to hit her head on these at in front of her.
"What the heck Kiwi?!" Banana yelled annoyed.
"Do you guys know where you are going?!?" Kiwi and Banana looked at Soupy.
"Of course you guys, who do you think I am?" Soupy said while grabbing something from the side door. She held up the object, Kiwi and Banana instantly recognized it and gasped.
"ITS PAPA RED!!!" They said together. "I thought Celeste killed him!" Banana accused, " Yeah, there was the video of his guts spilled everywhere!" Kiwi chimed in. Their eyes stayed glued to the red water balloon. "Yup and I saved him." Soupy mysteriously said as she put Papa Red on the dash board, " Okay, now which ever way he leans is the direction we have to go to get to Donnys' house. Banana and Kiwi nodded solemnly still surprised with the appearance of the long lost balloon .
      Swerving around and backward they managed to make it to Donnys house with a few minor damages to the car with the exceptions of a couple broken windows. "Well... that was fun!" Soupy exclaimed while she hopped out of the van, meanwhile Banana and Kiwi shakily stumble out, recovering Banana said " Okay so we are here what is the plan?"
" Well we have a bag, some pins and this huge hammer Soupy brought with her." Kiwi listed. Soupy gasped, " I KNOW! Let's ring his doorbell and hit him in the head with the hammer and bag him, when he wakes up we can stab him with the pins till he agrees to fly us to Mexico!" Both Kiwis and Bananas eyes widened, " That sounds like the best plan ever!" They both said in unison, " Good job Soup!" Banana added.
Slowly the crept up to Donnys front door. CRASH " Fück my bad guys I tripped." Banana whispered while rubbing her shin. Suddenly the curtain of one of the windows whipped open, everyone froze. Hiding under the window, Kiwi and Soupy could see his shadow in the sudden light stretching out over the yard. No one breathed until the curtain was ripped closed again. Frantically Soupy gestured to Banana to crouch under the window with her "Come on, hurry you slow poke!" Kiwi harshly whispered. Adrenaline pumped through their veins as they crept closer and closer to the door, a few feet away from it Kiwi decided to try a front flip. Grunting with effort she makes it halfway up then falls sideways knocking her legs on the door. Instantly she whips around toward Banana and Soupy with a look of horror on her face "Fück! You guys get the hammer ready!" As they scramble to their positions they hear footsteps approaching the door.

~Team Celeste Mary &Sushi~
"Oh my god what is she doing?!" Celeste whispered desperately trying to stifle her laughter.
"I don't really know but we need to do something! Oh I have an idea! Quick hand me the rope and you get the bag ready." Mary harshly whispered.
" what are we doing?"
"Just trust me! Alright on three... THREE!!" Mary shouts while jumping out from the side and tackling Tim. She expertly ties him down and Celeste quickly bags him up with his head poking out.
"What the hell are you guys doing...?" Tim asks a little calmed down from being distracted from Sushis seductive skills.
"That doesn't matter where is your helicopter?" Sushi laughs relived that she no longer had to act.
"Why?" Tim asks looking at any other person besides Sushi to find a logical answer.
"We are going to go to Mexico Tim so we need your helicopter, now where is it?" Celeste threatens while pointing a hot cheeto in his face then taking a bite out of it. While they were interrogating Tim, Solomon came into the room to see what was taking so long.
"Ugh what are you doing here Solomon?" Sushi says with an annoyed look on her face.
Suddenly Mary runs into the room, no one had noticed her slip out and look for the helicopter " GUYS STOP FLIRTING I FOUND THE HELICOPTER!" She shouts.
The two pairs throw each other disgusted looks and the girls follow Mary as Solomon tries to untangle Tim.
"Whoa..." Sushi and Celeste say in unison.
"I know right it's so dull and black, but I could totally make this look better lucky I found some spray paint right!" Mary excitedly says shaking a red can already. The girls get to work decorating the copter and within minutes it is Shizzed out. Emblazoned on either side is the word SHIZZ with red flames in the front. On each blade is the word AUSSIE and the entire thing was repainted purple. Satisfied they hooked the trailer up to the van and started to drive off, by this time Tim had gotten impatient and just ripped off all the rope and the bag with it. The two of them ran towards the garage and Tim fell to his knees while Solomon started rolling around laughing. In the distance was Tims prized defaced helicopter and on the floor of the garage was a spray painted message: " THANKS TIFI MIFY!!"

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