One Rory's POV

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I cannot believe this. This is my last summer at home before going to Uni, and my mom decides to send me away! I'm not at all as antisocial as she thinks I am, especially compared to half the people here and now I'm stuck at this summer camp for teens all around the world to become more "social". This had to be a joke. My mom smiled at me wearily as she drives off and I'm left standing there looking at the scenery in front of me. I adjust the strap of my duffel bag on my shoulder as i walk towards the recreational area where i see a few others gathered around. I notice a few familiar faces from my hometown, and the counsellor in charge of us. She is a middle aged woman with her brown locks secured in a tight bun. She's wearing some kakis and hiking boots along with a jacket. As for me, I'm wearing leggings, a sweatshirt, and my black high top chucks, with my chest nut hair cascading past my shoulders.

"And you are?" The lady asked me.

Taken aback by her bluntness I stammer out, "Uh uhm it-"

I was cut off, rudely may i add, as she replied saying, "Forgot your name sweetie? Chop chop we don't have all day." She clapped in my face.

My eyes widened at her. Dropping my head as i felt heat rising to my cheeks from embarrassment. I hear a chuckle coming across from me as I look up to see a boy about my age with tousled curly hair that was pushed back and a smirk plastered on his face. He was tall and wore black skinny jeans with a tear in his right knee, a white t-shirt, brown boots and tattoos going up his left arm. He was attractive to the say the least but what was most captivating about his appearance was his bright green orbs that are currently holding a glint of humor in them.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer babe." he mused.

Being pulled out of my thoughts i glance back up at him and then notice the others have scurried to their cabins. For the second time today, i feel my face turning as red as a tomato as i quickly search for the uptight bitch of a counselor to ask for my key to the cabin I'm temporarily staying at. I see her standing a few feet away with her clip board in her hand. I turn to stride away from the cocky boy to see he had already disappeared. Not literally, I'm guessing he just walked off. I shake my head of my lousy thoughts and walk to the counselor.

She looks up at me expectantly, "Hi I'm Rory Collins, may i please have my room key." I asked as politely as i could muster.

Dropping the key into my palm she states, "I am Ms. Golden, come down to the cafeteria at 7 for dinner."  swiftly handing me a map as well, she walks off.

I pull out my phone and look down to see it is 4:45. Leaving me about 2 and a half hours to settle in, great. The key to my cabin has a tag that reads 82 indented into the brass token. I begin to make my way toward my cabin, glancing down at the map a few times. A few minutes of walking, i stop because I'm sure i am lost. The numbers are saying 24,23,22, etc. while I'm at 82. I grunt in frustration, and turn to find a route that has the numbers increasing. I'm trying my best to read the map as the wind blows it from my hands. I grunt as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind my ear as i bend down to pick up the paper. As if things couldn't be anymore worse for me, it begins to blow away. I lazily stumble after it as it stops in its tracks by a large boot. I look up and quickly straighten out my back. Coming face to face again with the boy.

"Are you lost love?"

"No" I bite back as I bend down and try to get the stupid piece of paper from under his foot.

A chuckle escapes his lips as he lifts up his foot while I snatch the paper from his grip.

"Thanks for stopping my map and all but I didn't really need your help" I snap.

"If it was't for me you wouldn't have a map anymore." he replies equally as harsh.

I look down at the map completely defeated as I glance up at the boy who seems to still be glaring at me.

"Actually I am lost , could you help me?" I ask as nicely as i can muster.

"Sure thing" he smiled at me.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked suddenly.

"Harry, Harry Styles " he smirked at me. That's when I noticed his thick cocky, British accent. 

"And yours is?" he retaliated.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Now show me the way to my cabin" I replied harshly. Beginning to regret how rude I am coming off.

"Feisty, I like that" he said as he strode in front of me as I stood there and rolled my eyes and went after him.

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