Chapter 15 (The Surprise Attack)

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January 18th 2021

Cruz: (and is thugs are sat at the table enjoying their meal) 

Nadav: (snuggles up close too Cruz)

Cruz: (kisses him)

Alec: (sighs) You guys are cute

Cruz: He's not 

Alec: But that's what you want am I right

Cruz: No I'm not looking to settle down 

Nadav: and why the hell not

Cruz: Just stop it both of you (stands up)

Ozzy: (gives him a wink)

Cruz: Ozzy sex you down 

Ozzy: So down 

(they leave)

Nadav: You upset him

Alec: NO it was you dipshit!!!!!

Ry: Enough it's both of your fault and that is the way it is okay

Sunny: He's right you need to get with the program

Nadav: I'll show you the fucking program (flips him off)

Ashton: Come on guys this is crazy we shouldn't be doing this fighting among ourselves we are The Shirtless Thugs 

Mace: (stabs him in the back) The Group I founded 

Ashton: (coughs up blood)

Nadav: Attack!!!!!!

The Thugs jump right into action But the Brain bros are prepared for a fight, Ashton falls to the ground as Mace removes his Shank and jumps into the action Elias slides in and is dodging all the punches giving little shocks to the thugs as they fight back. Lincoln and Alec get into a massive fight throwing very hard punches Mace turns his attention to Nadav while Mace is bigger Nadav is faster. Ames is trying to hold his own with his little taser but Sunny get's a hold off him and bashes his head until he's dead. Jack and Mason are taken a bit a back as they see their former friend's lifeless corpse Ry hops up on the table and starts throwing forks and knives, The Kitchen staff runs off leaving the food on the burner unattended. Malachi and Nicolas are fighting Roman and Chandler. Ashton is still alive but unable to stand he's crawling for the door when Elias see's and tazzes him . The Kitchen catches Fire and instantly goes up in flames. This stops everyone for a second but not for long the fighting soon resumes as the fire spreads sprinklers start to go off. August looks at Elias and gives him a signal, they put on masks and release some tear gas! Daniel and Garren are terribly effected by this, Elias and August take the opportunity to shock them into unconsciousness. Alec and Lincoln are still going strong no clear and concise winner to be seen. Nadav and Mace are still at it too getting dangerously close to the fires Warden Miller can be seen above just watching this hoping they all kill each other off.  Ry and Sunny team up and help out their bitches who are doing a good enough job to begin with. Sunny shoves Nicolas into the way of Mace and Nadav. Mace accidently shanks Nicolas who is then shoved into the flames by Nadav before they resume fighting. Malachi falls to his knees distraught and heartbroken at the loss of his lover and best friend, Ry Snaps his neck without a second thought. Elias and August are just stood watching when Ashton grabs August knocking him over  he gets on top off him removes his mask and uses what strength he has to start beating the shit out off him. Elias is quick to grab a fork and jab it through Ashton's neck. Ashton screams in pain as this occurs but keeps on fighting. Roman, Chandler, Jack and Mason make a run for it and leave the vicinity as quick as they can. Nadav yells to Sunny and Ry to go fetch Cruz and Ozzy they run and do so. Lincoln kicks Alec in the balls right off the table and across the room, Alec screams in pain but get's up nonetheless and charges Lincoln. Nadav shoves Mace into the fire scolding his back side but he's able to come out more pissed then ever. Nadav is still too quick and then someone slaps Mace right on his new burns it's Cruz!!!

Cruz: Get the fuck away from him you bitch (shoves him into the flames)

Mace: (burns) 

Cruz: come on Nadav! (tries to get him out of there)

Lincoln: NOOOOOOO!!!! (throws the shank)

Alec: (Knocks him out) CRUZ!!!!!

Cruz: (looks just as the shank hits Nadav right in the jugular!!) No no no !

Nadav: (falls to the ground)

Ashton: (faints)

Elias: (grabs August and get's him out of their)

Nadav: (unable to speak has blood gushing from him)

Cruz: (crying) GO GET THE MEDIC NOW 

Ry and Sunny: (run for him)

Nadav: (reaches for Cruz's cheek and caresses it)

Cruz: Nadav (crying hard) 

Alec: (puts his hand on his shoulder as does Ozzy)

Cruz: Stop!!! Help him

Ozzy: Cruz he's lost almost every ounce of blood in his body

Nadav: I......Love You......Cru....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz (dies)

Cruz: NADAV!!!!!!!!

(the flames are finally extinguished as Cruz sits holding Nadav's lifeless body as workers come in and gather victims Lincoln, Daniel and Garren are taken too the hospital wing but Ashton, Nicolas, Malachi, Ames, and Mace are taken out in Body Bags)

Warden Miller: Back to your cell Beckham he's gone

Cruz: (Kisses Nadav passionately) I will never forget you (picks up his body) I'll carry him myself thank you very much

Warden Miller: (Nods)

Cruz: (carries him to the Mourge) 

Well that happened


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