Chapter 18 (The Attorney)

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January 31st 2021

Cruz: (sits alone in this new café)

Sunny, Ry, Ozzy and Alec are quick to join him

Cruz: Thanks for sticking by me always 

(Daniel and Garren enter)

Sunny: (waves  them down)

(they sit away from them)

Cruz:  As expected 

(Roman, Mason, Jack and Chandler enter and sit with Daniel and Garren)

Ry: They where never with us anyway 

Cruz: It's Whatever the thugs are no more

Lincoln: (grabs Cruz) Pay back time 

Cruz: Alright 

Lincoln: What

Cruz: I'm not gonna fight you

Lincoln: (punches him square in the jaw)

Cruz: (takes it) 

Alec: (stands up)

Cruz: No

Lincoln: FIGHT ME 

Cruz: No 

Lincoln: (Knees him in the balls)

Cruz: (numb to the pain)

Lincoln: FIGHT ME!!!!

Ozzy: Melcher fuck off

Ry: Your done for 

Sunny: So Piss off

Alec: (embraces Cruz)

Lincoln: Someday Cruz.....when you think you are safe and happy your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth and then you will know the debt is paid (storms off)

Ozzy: Damn Quoting Game of Thrones he's serious 

Warden Miller: Beckham visitor 

Cruz: (Nods)

Alec: (kisses him) 

Cruz: (kisses him back)

(He goes to the Visitor Area)

Detective Byerly: Hello Cruz

Detective Machintosh: It's Great to see you

Cruz: (has a seat) Thanks 

Detective Byerly: We want you to meet someone

Cruz: Okay

Isaac: (sits down) My Name is Isaac Hempstead-Wright and a very good friend of mine contacted me Dean 

Cruz: Oh

Detective Byerly: You're up for parole

Detective Machintosh: Congratulations

Isaac: And I shall be your attorney 

Cruz: Parole....but how 

Isaac: Dean made a very good case for you I think we can win Cruz

Detective Byerly: All you have to do is agree that a portion of the inheritance is what shall pay your fees   

Cruz: Done

Isaac: Excellent I look forward too working with you

Cruz: As Do I

Yay Cruz


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